Install from conda-forge#

SageMath can be installed on Linux and macOS via Conda from the conda-forge conda channel.

Both the x86_64 (Intel) architecture and the arm64/aarch64 architectures (including Apple Silicon, M1) are supported.

You will need a working Conda installation: either Mambaforge/Miniforge, Miniconda or Anaconda. If you don’t have one yet, we recommend installing Mambaforge as follows. In a terminal,

$ curl -L -O$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh
$ sh Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh
  • Mambaforge and Miniforge use conda-forge as the default channel.

  • If you are using Miniconda or Anaconda, set it up to use conda-forge:

    • Add the conda-forge channel: conda config --add channels conda-forge

    • Change channel priority to strict: conda config --set channel_priority strict

Optionally, use mamba, which uses a faster dependency solver than conda. If you installed Mambaforge, it is already provided. Otherwise, use

$ conda install mamba

Installing all of SageMath from conda (not for development)#

Create a new conda environment containing SageMath, either with mamba or conda:

$ mamba create -n sage sage python=X        # either
$ conda create -n sage sage python=X        # or

where X is version of Python, e.g. 3.9.

To use Sage from there,

  • Enter the new environment: conda activate sage

  • Start SageMath: sage

If there are any installation failures, please report them to the conda-forge maintainers by opening a GitHub Issue for conda-forge/sage-feedstock.

Using conda to provide system packages for the Sage distribution#

If Conda is installed (check by typing conda info), one can install SageMath from source as follows:

  • If you are using a git checkout:

    $ ./bootstrap-conda
  • Create a new conda environment including all standard packages recognized by sage, and activate it:

    $ conda env create --file environment.yml --name sage-build
    $ conda activate sage-build

    Alternatively, use environment-optional.yml in place of environment.yml to create an environment with all standard and optional packages recognized by sage.

  • Then the SageMath distribution will be built using the compilers provided by Conda and using many packages installed by Conda:

    $ ./bootstrap
    $ ./configure --with-python=$CONDA_PREFIX/bin/python \
    $ make

Using conda to provide all dependencies for the Sage library (experimental)#

You can build and install the Sage library from source, using conda to provide all of its dependencies. This bypasses most of the build system of the Sage distribution and is the fastest way to set up an environment for Sage development.

Note that this is still an experimental feature and may not work as intended.

Here we assume that you are using a git checkout.

  • Optionally, set the build parallelism for the Sage library. Use whatever the meaningful value for your machine is - no more than the number of cores:

    $ export SAGE_NUM_THREADS=24
  • As a recommended step, install the mamba package manager. If you skip this step, replace mamba by conda in the following steps:

    $ conda install mamba
  • Generate the conda environment files src/environment*.yml used in the next step:

    $ ./bootstrap-conda
  • Create and activate a new conda environment with the dependencies of Sage and a few additional developer tools:

    $ mamba env create --file src/environment-dev.yml --name sage-dev
    $ conda activate sage-dev

    Alternatively, you can use src/environment.yml or src/environment-optional.yml, which will only install standard (and optional) packages without any additional developer tools.

    By default, the most recent version of Python supported by Sage is installed. You can use the additional option python=3.9 in the above env create command to select another Python version (here 3.9).

  • Run the configure script:

    $ ./bootstrap
    $ ./configure --with-python=$CONDA_PREFIX/bin/python             \
                  --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX                             \
                  $(for pkg in $(./sage -package list :standard:     \
                                   --has-file spkg-configure.m4      \
                                   --has-file distros/conda.txt); do \
                        echo --with-system-$pkg=force;               \
  • Install the build prerequisites and the Sage library:

    $ pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable ./pkgs/sage-conf ./pkgs/sage-setup
    $ pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable ./src
  • Verify that Sage has been installed:

    $ sage -c 'print(version())'
    SageMath version 9.6.beta5, Release Date: 2022-03-12

Note that make is not used at all. All dependencies (including all Python packages) are provided by conda.

Thus, you will get a working version of Sage much faster. However, note that this will invalidate the use of any Sage-the-distribution commands such as sage -i. Do not use them.

By using pip install --editable in the above steps, the Sage library is installed in editable mode. This means that when you only edit Python files, there is no need to rebuild the library; it suffices to restart Sage.

After editing any Cython files, rebuild the Sage library using:

$ pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable src