Topological Manifolds#
Given a topological field
is a Hausdorff space, is second countable,every point in
has a neighborhood homeomorphic to .
Topological manifolds are implemented via the class
. Open subsets of topological manifolds
are also implemented via TopologicalManifold
, since they are
topological manifolds by themselves.
In the current setting, topological manifolds are mostly described by
means of charts (see Chart
serves as a base class for more specific
manifold classes.
The user interface is provided by the generic function
, with
with the argument structure
set to 'topological'
Example 1: the 2-sphere as a topological manifold of dimension
2 over
One starts by declaring
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', structure='topological')
sage: M
2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
Since the base topological field has not been specified in the argument list
of Manifold
sage: M.base_field()
Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: dim(M)
Let us consider the complement of a point, the “North pole” say; this is an
open subset of
sage: U = M.open_subset('U'); U
Open subset U of the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
A standard chart on
sage: stereoN.<x,y> = U.chart(); stereoN
Chart (U, (x, y))
Thanks to the operator <x,y>
on the left-hand side, the coordinates
declared in a chart (here
sage: y
sage: type(y)
<class 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
The South pole is the point of coordinates
sage: S = U.point((0,0), chart=stereoN, name='S'); S
Point S on the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
Let us call
sage: V = M.open_subset('V'); V
Open subset V of the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
sage: stereoS.<u,v> = V.chart(); stereoS
Chart (V, (u, v))
The North pole is the point of coordinates
sage: N = V.point((0,0), chart=stereoS, name='N'); N
Point N on the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
To fully construct the manifold, we declare that it is the union of
sage: M.declare_union(U,V)
and we provide the transition map between the charts stereoN
sage: stereoN_to_S = stereoN.transition_map(stereoS, [x/(x^2+y^2), y/(x^2+y^2)],
....: intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x^2+y^2!=0,
....: restrictions2= u^2+v^2!=0)
sage: stereoN_to_S
Change of coordinates from Chart (W, (x, y)) to Chart (W, (u, v))
sage: stereoN_to_S.display()
u = x/(x^2 + y^2)
v = y/(x^2 + y^2)
We give the name W
to the Python variable representing
sage: W = U.intersection(V)
The inverse of the transition map is computed by the method
sage: stereoN_to_S.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (W, (u, v)) to Chart (W, (x, y))
sage: stereoN_to_S.inverse().display()
x = u/(u^2 + v^2)
y = v/(u^2 + v^2)
At this stage, we have four open subsets on
sage: M.subset_family()
Set {S^2, U, V, W} of open subsets of the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
sage: N in W or S in W
The North pole lies in
sage: N in V, N in U
(True, False)
sage: S in U, S in V
(True, False)
The manifold’s (user) atlas contains four charts, two of them being restrictions of charts to a smaller domain:
sage: M.atlas()
[Chart (U, (x, y)), Chart (V, (u, v)),
Chart (W, (x, y)), Chart (W, (u, v))]
Let us consider the point of coordinates stereoN
sage: p = M.point((1,2), chart=stereoN, name='p'); p
Point p on the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
sage: p.parent()
2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
sage: p in W
The coordinates of stereoS
are computed by letting
the chart act on the point:
sage: stereoS(p)
(1/5, 2/5)
Given the definition of
sage: stereoN(p)
(1, 2)
sage: stereoS(N)
(0, 0)
sage: stereoN(S)
(0, 0)
A continuous map
sage: f = M.scalar_field({stereoN: atan(x^2+y^2), stereoS: pi/2-atan(u^2+v^2)},
....: name='f')
sage: f
Scalar field f on the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
sage: f.display()
f: S^2 → ℝ
on U: (x, y) ↦ arctan(x^2 + y^2)
on V: (u, v) ↦ 1/2*pi - arctan(u^2 + v^2)
sage: f(p)
sage: f(N)
sage: f(S)
sage: f.parent()
Algebra of scalar fields on the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2
sage: f.parent().category()
Join of Category of commutative algebras over Symbolic Ring and Category of homsets of topological spaces
Example 2: the Riemann sphere as a topological manifold of
dimension 1 over
We declare the Riemann sphere
sage: M = Manifold(1, 'ℂ*', structure='topological', field='complex'); M
Complex 1-dimensional topological manifold ℂ*
We introduce a first open subset, which is actually
sage: U = M.open_subset('U')
A natural chart on
sage: Z.<z> = U.chart()
The origin of the complex plane is the point of coordinate
sage: O = U.point((0,), chart=Z, name='O'); O
Point O on the Complex 1-dimensional topological manifold ℂ*
Another open subset of
sage: V = M.open_subset('V')
We define a chart on
sage: W.<w> = V.chart(); W
Chart (V, (w,))
sage: inf = M.point((0,), chart=W, name='inf', latex_name=r'\infty')
sage: inf
Point inf on the Complex 1-dimensional topological manifold ℂ*
To fully construct the Riemann sphere, we declare that it is the union
sage: M.declare_union(U,V)
and we provide the transition map between the two charts as
sage: Z_to_W = Z.transition_map(W, 1/z, intersection_name='A',
....: restrictions1= z!=0, restrictions2= w!=0)
sage: Z_to_W
Change of coordinates from Chart (A, (z,)) to Chart (A, (w,))
sage: Z_to_W.display()
w = 1/z
sage: Z_to_W.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (A, (w,)) to Chart (A, (z,))
sage: Z_to_W.inverse().display()
z = 1/w
Let consider the complex number
sage: i = M((I,), chart=Z, name='i'); i
Point i on the Complex 1-dimensional topological manifold ℂ*
Its coordinates w.r.t. the charts Z
and W
sage: Z(i)
sage: W(i)
and we have:
sage: i in U
sage: i in V
The following subsets and charts have been defined:
sage: M.subset_family()
Set {A, U, V, ℂ*} of open subsets of the Complex 1-dimensional topological manifold ℂ*
sage: M.atlas()
[Chart (U, (z,)), Chart (V, (w,)), Chart (A, (z,)), Chart (A, (w,))]
A constant map
sage: f = M.constant_scalar_field(3+2*I, name='f'); f
Scalar field f on the Complex 1-dimensional topological manifold ℂ*
sage: f.display()
f: ℂ* → ℂ
on U: z ↦ 2*I + 3
on V: w ↦ 2*I + 3
sage: f(O)
2*I + 3
sage: f(i)
2*I + 3
sage: f(inf)
2*I + 3
sage: f.parent()
Algebra of scalar fields on the Complex 1-dimensional topological
manifold ℂ*
sage: f.parent().category()
Join of Category of commutative algebras over Symbolic Ring and Category of homsets of topological spaces
Eric Gourgoulhon (2015): initial version
Travis Scrimshaw (2015): structure described via
Michael Jung (2020): topological vector bundles and orientability
- sage.manifolds.manifold.Manifold(dim, name, latex_name=None, field='real', structure=None, start_index=0, **extra_kwds)#
Construct a manifold of a given type over a topological field.
Given a topological field
(in most applications, or ) and a non-negative integer , a topological manifold of dimension over K is a topological space such that is a Hausdorff space, is second countable, andevery point in
has a neighborhood homeomorphic to .
A real manifold is a manifold over
. A differentiable (resp. smooth, resp. analytic) manifold is a manifold such that all transition maps are differentiable (resp. smooth, resp. analytic). A pseudo-Riemannian manifold is a real differentiable manifold equipped with a metric tensor (i.e. a field of non-degenerate symmetric bilinear forms), with the two subcases of Riemannian manifold ( positive-definite) and Lorentzian manifold ( has signature or ).INPUT:
– positive integer; dimension of the manifoldname
– string; name (symbol) given to the manifoldlatex_name
– (default:None
) string; LaTeX symbol to denote the manifold; if none are provided, it is set toname
– (default:'real'
) field on which the manifold is defined; allowed values are'real'
or an object of typeRealField
) for a manifold over'complex'
or an object of typeComplexField
) for a manifold overan object in the category of topological fields (see
) for other types of manifolds
– (default:'smooth'
) to specify the structure or type of manifold; allowed values are'topological'
for a topological manifold'differentiable'
for a differentiable manifold'smooth'
for a smooth manifold'analytic'
for an analytic manifold'pseudo-Riemannian'
for a real differentiable manifold equipped with a pseudo-Riemannian metric; the signature is specified via the keyword argumentsignature
(see below)'Riemannian'
for a real differentiable manifold equipped with a Riemannian (i.e. positive definite) metric'Lorentzian'
for a real differentiable manifold equipped with a Lorentzian metric; the signature convention is specified by the keyword argumentsignature='positive'
(default) or'negative'
– (default: 0) integer; lower value of the range of indices used for “indexed objects” on the manifold, e.g. coordinates in a chartextra_kwds
– keywords meaningful only for some specific types of manifolds:diff_degree
– (only for differentiable manifolds; default:infinity
): the degree of differentiabilityambient
– (only to construct a submanifold): the ambient manifoldmetric_name
– (only for pseudo-Riemannian manifolds; default:'g'
) string; name (symbol) given to the metricmetric_latex_name
– (only for pseudo-Riemannian manifolds; default:None
) string; LaTeX symbol to denote the metric; if none is provided, the symbol is set tometric_name
– (only for pseudo-Riemannian manifolds; default:None
) signature of the metric as a single integer: , where (resp. ) is the number of positive terms (resp. negative terms) in any diagonal writing of the metric components; ifsignature
is not provided, is set to the manifold’s dimension (Riemannian signature); for Lorentzian manifolds the valuessignature='positive'
(default) orsignature='negative'
are allowed to indicate the chosen signature convention.
a manifold of the specified type, as an instance of
or one of its subclassesDifferentiableManifold
, or, if the keywordambient
is used, one of the subclassesTopologicalSubmanifold
, orPseudoRiemannianSubmanifold
A 3-dimensional real topological manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological'); M 3-dimensional topological manifold M
Given the default value of the parameter
, the above is equivalent to:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', field='real'); M 3-dimensional topological manifold M
A complex topological manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', field='complex'); M Complex 3-dimensional topological manifold M
A topological manifold over
:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', field=QQ); M 3-dimensional topological manifold M over the Rational Field
A 3-dimensional real differentiable manifold of class
:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', field='real', structure='differentiable', ....: diff_degree=4); M 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
Since the default value of the parameter
, the above is equivalent to:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='differentiable', diff_degree=4) sage: M 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M sage: M.base_field_type() 'real'
A 3-dimensional real smooth manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='differentiable', diff_degree=+oo) sage: M 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
Instead of
structure='differentiable', diff_degree=+oo
, it suffices to usestructure='smooth'
to get the same result:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='smooth'); M 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M sage: M.diff_degree() +Infinity
Actually, since
is the default value of the parameterstructure
, the creation of a real smooth manifold can be shortened to:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M'); M 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M sage: M.diff_degree() +Infinity
Other parameters can change the default of the parameter
:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', diff_degree=0); M 3-dimensional topological manifold M sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', diff_degree=2); M 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', metric_name='g'); M 3-dimensional Riemannian manifold M
For a complex smooth manifold, we have to set the parameter
:sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', field='complex'); M 3-dimensional complex manifold M sage: M.diff_degree() +Infinity
Submanifolds are constructed by means of the keyword
:sage: N = Manifold(2, 'N', field='complex', ambient=M); N 2-dimensional differentiable submanifold N immersed in the 3-dimensional complex manifold M
The immersion
has to be specified in a second stage, via the methodset_immersion()
.For more detailed examples, see the documentation of
, or the documentation ofTopologicalSubmanifold
for submanifolds.Uniqueness of manifold objects
Suppose we construct a manifold named
:sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
At some point, we change our mind and would like to restart with a new manifold, using the same name
and keeping the previous manifold for reference:sage: M_old = M # for reference sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
This results in a brand new object:
sage: M.atlas() []
The object
is intact:sage: M_old.atlas() [Chart (M, (x, y))]
Both objects have the same display:
sage: M 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: M_old 2-dimensional topological manifold M
but they are different:
sage: M != M_old True
Let us introduce a chart on
, using the same coordinate symbols as forM_old
:sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
The charts are displayed in the same way:
sage: M.atlas() [Chart (M, (x, y))] sage: M_old.atlas() [Chart (M, (x, y))]
but they are actually different:
sage: M.atlas()[0] != M_old.atlas()[0] True
Moreover, the two manifolds
are still considered distinct:sage: M != M_old True
This reflects the fact that the equality of manifold objects holds only for identical objects, i.e. one has
M1 == M2
if, and only if,M1 is M2
. Actually, the manifold classes inherit fromWithEqualityById
:sage: isinstance(M, sage.misc.fast_methods.WithEqualityById) True
- class sage.manifolds.manifold.TopologicalManifold(n, name, field, structure, base_manifold=None, latex_name=None, start_index=0, category=None, unique_tag=None)#
Topological manifold over a topological field
.Given a topological field
(in most applications, or ) and a non-negative integer , a topological manifold of dimension over K is a topological space such that is a Hausdorff space, is second countable, andevery point in
has a neighborhood homeomorphic to .
This is a Sage parent class, the corresponding element class being
– positive integer; dimension of the manifoldname
– string; name (symbol) given to the manifoldfield
– field on which the manifold is defined; allowed values are'real'
or an object of typeRealField
) for a manifold over'complex'
or an object of typeComplexField
) for a manifold overan object in the category of topological fields (see
) for other types of manifolds
– manifold structure (seeTopologicalStructure
– (default:None
) if notNone
, must be a topological manifold; the created object is then an open subset ofbase_manifold
– (default:None
) string; LaTeX symbol to denote the manifold; if none are provided, it is set toname
– (default: 0) integer; lower value of the range of indices used for “indexed objects” on the manifold, e.g., coordinates in a chartcategory
– (default:None
) to specify the category; ifNone
is assumed (see the categoryManifolds
– (default:None
) tag used to force the construction of a new object when all the other arguments have been used previously (withoutunique_tag
, theUniqueRepresentation
behavior inherited fromManifoldSubset
would return the previously constructed object corresponding to these arguments)
A 4-dimensional topological manifold (over
):sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', latex_name=r'\mathcal{M}', structure='topological') sage: M 4-dimensional topological manifold M sage: latex(M) \mathcal{M} sage: type(M) <class 'sage.manifolds.manifold.TopologicalManifold_with_category'> sage: M.base_field() Real Field with 53 bits of precision sage: dim(M) 4
The input parameter
defines the range of indices on the manifold:sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological') sage: list(M.irange()) [0, 1, 2, 3] sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological', start_index=1) sage: list(M.irange()) [1, 2, 3, 4] sage: list(Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological', start_index=-2).irange()) [-2, -1, 0, 1]
A complex manifold:
sage: N = Manifold(3, 'N', structure='topological', field='complex'); N Complex 3-dimensional topological manifold N
A manifold over
:sage: N = Manifold(6, 'N', structure='topological', field=QQ); N 6-dimensional topological manifold N over the Rational Field
A manifold over
, the field of 5-adic numbers:sage: N = Manifold(2, 'N', structure='topological', field=Qp(5)); N 2-dimensional topological manifold N over the 5-adic Field with capped relative precision 20
A manifold is a Sage parent object, in the category of topological manifolds over a given topological field (see
):sage: isinstance(M, Parent) True sage: M.category() Category of manifolds over Real Field with 53 bits of precision sage: from sage.categories.manifolds import Manifolds sage: M.category() is Manifolds(RR) True sage: M.category() is Manifolds(M.base_field()) True sage: M in Manifolds(RR) True sage: N in Manifolds(Qp(5)) True
The corresponding Sage elements are points:
sage: X.<t, x, y, z> = M.chart() sage: p = M.an_element(); p Point on the 4-dimensional topological manifold M sage: p.parent() 4-dimensional topological manifold M sage: M.is_parent_of(p) True sage: p in M True
The manifold’s points are instances of class
:sage: isinstance(p, sage.manifolds.point.ManifoldPoint) True
Since an open subset of a topological manifold
is itself a topological manifold, open subsets of are instances of the classTopologicalManifold
:sage: U = M.open_subset('U'); U Open subset U of the 4-dimensional topological manifold M sage: isinstance(U, sage.manifolds.manifold.TopologicalManifold) True sage: U.base_field() == M.base_field() True sage: dim(U) == dim(M) True sage: U.category() Join of Category of subobjects of sets and Category of manifolds over Real Field with 53 bits of precision
The manifold passes all the tests of the test suite relative to its category:
sage: TestSuite(M).run()
See also
- atlas()#
Return the list of charts that have been defined on the manifold.
Let us consider
as a 2-dimensional manifold:sage: M = Manifold(2, 'R^2', structure='topological')
Immediately after the manifold creation, the atlas is empty, since no chart has been defined yet:
sage: M.atlas() []
Let us introduce the chart of Cartesian coordinates:
sage: c_cart.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: M.atlas() [Chart (R^2, (x, y))]
The complement of the half line
:sage: U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={c_cart: (y!=0,x<0)}) sage: U.atlas() [Chart (U, (x, y))] sage: M.atlas() [Chart (R^2, (x, y)), Chart (U, (x, y))]
Spherical (polar) coordinates on
:sage: c_spher.<r, ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') sage: U.atlas() [Chart (U, (x, y)), Chart (U, (r, ph))] sage: M.atlas() [Chart (R^2, (x, y)), Chart (U, (x, y)), Chart (U, (r, ph))]
See also
- base_field()#
Return the field on which the manifold is defined.
a topological field
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological') sage: M.base_field() Real Field with 53 bits of precision sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', field='complex') sage: M.base_field() Complex Field with 53 bits of precision sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', field=QQ) sage: M.base_field() Rational Field
- base_field_type()#
Return the type of topological field on which the manifold is defined.
a string describing the field, with three possible values:
for the real field'complex'
for the complex field'neither_real_nor_complex'
for a field different from and
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological') sage: M.base_field_type() 'real' sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', field='complex') sage: M.base_field_type() 'complex' sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', field=QQ) sage: M.base_field_type() 'neither_real_nor_complex'
- chart(coordinates='', names=None, calc_method=None, coord_restrictions=None)#
Define a chart, the domain of which is the manifold.
A chart is a pair
, where is the current manifold and is a homeomorphism from to an open subset of , being the field on which the manifold is defined.The components
of , defined by for any point , are called the coordinates of the chart .See
for a complete documentation.INPUT:
– (default:''
(empty string)) string defining the coordinate symbols, ranges and possible periodicities, see belownames
– (default:None
) unused argument, except ifcoordinates
is not provided; it must then be a tuple containing the coordinate symbols (this is guaranteed if the shortcut operator<,>
is used)calc_method
– (default:None
) string defining the calculus method to be used on this chart; must be one of'SR'
: Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)'sympy'
: SymPyNone
: the current calculus method defined on the manifold is used (cf.set_calculus_method()
: Additional restrictions on the coordinates. See below.
The coordinates declared in the string
are separated by' '
(whitespace) and each coordinate has at most four fields, separated by a colon (':'
):The coordinate symbol (a letter or a few letters).
(optional, only for manifolds over
) The interval defining the coordinate range: if not provided, the coordinate is assumed to span all ; otherwise must be provided in the form(a,b)
(or equivalently]a,b[
) The boundsa
can be+/-Infinity
. For singular coordinates, non-open intervals such as[a,b]
(or equivalently]a,b]
) are allowed. Note that the interval declaration must not contain any space character.(optional) Indicator of the periodic character of the coordinate, either as
, whereT
is the period, or, for manifolds over only, as the keywordperiodic
(the value of the period is then deduced from the interval declared in field 2; see the example below)(optional) The LaTeX spelling of the coordinate; if not provided the coordinate symbol given in the first field will be used.
The order of fields 2 to 4 does not matter and each of them can be omitted. If it contains any LaTeX expression, the string
must be declared with the prefix ‘r’ (for “raw”) to allow for a proper treatment of the backslash character (see examples below). If no interval range, no period and no LaTeX spelling is to be set for any coordinate, the argumentcoordinates
can be omitted when the shortcut operator<,>
is used to declare the chart (see examples below).Additional restrictions on the coordinates can be set using the argument
.A restriction can be any symbolic equality or inequality involving the coordinates, such as
x > y
orx^2 + y^2 != 0
. The items of the list (or set or frozenset)coord_restrictions
are combined with theand
operator; if some restrictions are to be combined with theor
operator instead, they have to be passed as a tuple in some single item of the list (or set or frozenset)coord_restrictions
. For example:coord_restrictions=[x > y, (x != 0, y != 0), z^2 < x]
(x > y) and ((x != 0) or (y != 0)) and (z^2 < x)
. If the listcoord_restrictions
contains only one item, this item can be passed as such, i.e. writingx > y
instead of the single element list[x > y]
. If the chart variables have not been declared as variables yet,coord_restrictions
must belambda
the created chart, as an instance of
or one of its subclasses, likeRealDiffChart
for differentiable manifolds over .
Chart on a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X = M.chart('x y'); X Chart (M, (x, y)) sage: X[0] x sage: X[1] y sage: X[:] (x, y)
The declared coordinates are not known at the global level:
sage: y Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameError: name 'y' is not defined
They can be recovered by the operator
applied to the chart:sage: (x, y) = X[:] sage: y y sage: type(y) <class 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
But a shorter way to proceed is to use the operator
in the left-hand side of the chart declaration (there is then no need to pass the string ‘x y’ to chart()):sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart(); X Chart (M, (x, y))
Indeed, the declared coordinates are then known at the global level:
sage: y y sage: (x,y) == X[:] True
Actually the instruction
X.<x,y> = M.chart()
is equivalent to the combination of the two instructionsX = M.chart('x y')
and(x,y) = X[:]
.As an example of coordinate ranges and LaTeX symbols passed via the string
, let us introduce polar coordinates:sage: U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={X: x^2+y^2 != 0}) sage: P.<r,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) ph:(0,2*pi):periodic:\phi'); P Chart (U, (r, ph)) sage: P.coord_range() r: (0, +oo); ph: [0, 2*pi] (periodic) sage: latex(P) \left(U,(r, {\phi})\right)
:sage: D = Manifold(2, 'D', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = D.chart(coord_restrictions=lambda x,y: [x^2+y^2<1, x>0]); X Chart (D, (x, y)) sage: X.valid_coordinates(0, 0) False sage: X.valid_coordinates(1/2, 0) True
See the documentation of classes
for more examples, especially regarding the coordinates ranges and restrictions.
- constant_scalar_field(value, name=None, latex_name=None)#
Define a constant scalar field on the manifold.
– constant value of the scalar field, either a numerical value or a symbolic expression not involving any chart coordinatesname
– (default:None
) name given to the scalar fieldlatex_name
– (default:None
) LaTeX symbol to denote the scalar field; ifNone
, the LaTeX symbol is set toname
instance of
representing the scalar field whose constant value isvalue
A constant scalar field on the 2-sphere:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') # the 2-dimensional sphere S^2 sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # complement of the North pole sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart() # stereographic coordinates from the North pole sage: V = M.open_subset('V') # complement of the South pole sage: c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart() # stereographic coordinates from the South pole sage: M.declare_union(U,V) # S^2 is the union of U and V sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x^2+y^2), y/(x^2+y^2)), ....: intersection_name='W', ....: restrictions1= x^2+y^2!=0, ....: restrictions2= u^2+v^2!=0) sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse() sage: f = M.constant_scalar_field(-1) ; f Scalar field on the 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: f.display() M → ℝ on U: (x, y) ↦ -1 on V: (u, v) ↦ -1
We have:
sage: f.restrict(U) == U.constant_scalar_field(-1) True sage: M.constant_scalar_field(0) is M.zero_scalar_field() True
See also
- continuous_map(codomain, coord_functions=None, chart1=None, chart2=None, name=None, latex_name=None)#
Define a continuous map from
; the map’s codomaincoord_functions
– (default:None
) if notNone
, must be either(i) a dictionary of the coordinate expressions (as lists (or tuples) of the coordinates of the image expressed in terms of the coordinates of the considered point) with the pairs of charts
(chart1, chart2)
as keys (chart1
being a chart onself
a chart oncodomain
);(ii) a single coordinate expression in a given pair of charts, the latter being provided by the arguments
in both cases, if the dimension of the codomain is
, a single coordinate expression can be passed instead of a tuple with a single elementchart1
– (default:None
; used only in case (ii) above) chart onself
defining the start coordinates involved incoord_functions
for case (ii); ifNone
, the coordinates are assumed to refer to the default chart ofself
– (default:None
; used only in case (ii) above) chart oncodomain
defining the target coordinates involved incoord_functions
for case (ii); ifNone
, the coordinates are assumed to refer to the default chart ofcodomain
– (default:None
) name given to the continuous maplatex_name
– (default:None
) LaTeX symbol to denote the continuous map; ifNone
, the LaTeX symbol is set toname
the continuous map as an instance of
A continuous map between an open subset of
covered by regular spherical coordinates and :sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', structure='topological') sage: U = M.open_subset('U') sage: c_spher.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') sage: N = Manifold(3, 'R^3', latex_name=r'\RR^3', structure='topological') sage: c_cart.<x,y,z> = N.chart() # Cartesian coord. on R^3 sage: Phi = U.continuous_map(N, (sin(th)*cos(ph), sin(th)*sin(ph), cos(th)), ....: name='Phi', latex_name=r'\Phi') sage: Phi Continuous map Phi from the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2 to the 3-dimensional topological manifold R^3
The same definition, but with a dictionary with pairs of charts as keys (case (i) above):
sage: Phi1 = U.continuous_map(N, ....: {(c_spher, c_cart): (sin(th)*cos(ph), sin(th)*sin(ph), cos(th))}, ....: name='Phi', latex_name=r'\Phi') sage: Phi1 == Phi True
The continuous map acting on a point:
sage: p = U.point((pi/2, pi)) ; p Point on the 2-dimensional topological manifold S^2 sage: Phi(p) Point on the 3-dimensional topological manifold R^3 sage: Phi(p).coord(c_cart) (-1, 0, 0) sage: Phi1(p) == Phi(p) True
See also
for the complete documentation and more examples.Todo
Allow the construction of continuous maps from
to the base field (considered as a trivial 1-dimensional manifold).
- coord_change(chart1, chart2)#
Return the change of coordinates (transition map) between two charts defined on the manifold.
The change of coordinates must have been defined previously, for instance by the method
– chart 1chart2
– chart 2
instance of
representing the transition map from chart 1 to chart 2
Change of coordinates on a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: c_uv.<u,v> = M.chart() sage: c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x+y, x-y)) # defines the coord. change Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v)) sage: M.coord_change(c_xy, c_uv) # returns the coord. change defined above Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v))
- coord_changes()#
Return the changes of coordinates (transition maps) defined on subsets of the manifold.
dictionary of changes of coordinates, with pairs of charts as keys
Various changes of coordinates on a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: c_uv.<u,v> = M.chart() sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, [x+y, x-y]) sage: M.coord_changes() {(Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (M, (u, v))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v))} sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse() sage: M.coord_changes() # random (dictionary output) {(Chart (M, (u, v)), Chart (M, (x, y))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y)), (Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (M, (u, v))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v))} sage: c_rs.<r,s> = M.chart() sage: uv_to_rs = c_uv.transition_map(c_rs, [-u+2*v, 3*u-v]) sage: M.coord_changes() # random (dictionary output) {(Chart (M, (u, v)), Chart (M, (r, s))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (r, s)), (Chart (M, (u, v)), Chart (M, (x, y))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y)), (Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (M, (u, v))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v))} sage: xy_to_rs = uv_to_rs * xy_to_uv sage: M.coord_changes() # random (dictionary output) {(Chart (M, (u, v)), Chart (M, (r, s))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (r, s)), (Chart (M, (u, v)), Chart (M, (x, y))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y)), (Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (M, (u, v))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v)), (Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (M, (r, s))): Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (r, s))}
- default_chart()#
Return the default chart defined on the manifold.
Unless changed via
, the default chart is the first one defined on a subset of the manifold (possibly itself).OUTPUT:
instance of
representing the default chart
Default chart on a 2-dimensional manifold and on some subsets:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: M.chart('x y') Chart (M, (x, y)) sage: M.chart('u v') Chart (M, (u, v)) sage: M.default_chart() Chart (M, (x, y)) sage: A = M.open_subset('A') sage: A.chart('t z') Chart (A, (t, z)) sage: A.default_chart() Chart (A, (t, z))
- dim()#
Return the dimension of the manifold over its base field.
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: M.dimension() 2
A shortcut is
:sage: M.dim() 2
The Sage global function
can also be used:sage: dim(M) 2
- dimension()#
Return the dimension of the manifold over its base field.
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: M.dimension() 2
A shortcut is
:sage: M.dim() 2
The Sage global function
can also be used:sage: dim(M) 2
- get_chart(coordinates, domain=None)#
Get a chart from its coordinates.
The chart must have been previously created by the method
– single string composed of the coordinate symbols separated by a spacedomain
– (default:None
) string containing the name of the chart’s domain, which must be a subset of the current manifold; ifNone
, the current manifold is assumed
instance of
(or of the subclassRealChart
) representing the chart corresponding to the above specifications
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: M.get_chart('x y') Chart (M, (x, y)) sage: M.get_chart('x y') is X True sage: U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={X: (y!=0,x<0)}) sage: Y.<r, ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') sage: M.atlas() [Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (U, (x, y)), Chart (U, (r, ph))] sage: M.get_chart('x y', domain='U') Chart (U, (x, y)) sage: M.get_chart('x y', domain='U') is X.restrict(U) True sage: U.get_chart('r ph') Chart (U, (r, ph)) sage: M.get_chart('r ph', domain='U') Chart (U, (r, ph)) sage: M.get_chart('r ph', domain='U') is Y True
- has_orientation()#
Check whether
admits an obvious or by user set orientation.See also
for details about orientations.Note
Notice that if
this does not necessarily mean that the manifold admits no orientation. It just means that the user has to set an orientation manually in that case, seeset_orientation()
The trivial case:
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='top') sage: c.<x,y,z> = M.chart() sage: M.has_orientation() True
The non-trivial case:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='top') sage: U = M.open_subset('U'); V = M.open_subset('V') sage: M.declare_union(U, V) sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart(); c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart() sage: M.has_orientation() False sage: M.set_orientation([c_xy, c_uv]) sage: M.has_orientation() True
- homeomorphism(codomain, coord_functions=None, chart1=None, chart2=None, name=None, latex_name=None)#
Define a homeomorphism between the current manifold and another one.
for a complete documentation.INPUT:
; codomain of the homeomorphismcoord_functions
– (default:None
) if notNone
, must be either(i) a dictionary of the coordinate expressions (as lists (or tuples) of the coordinates of the image expressed in terms of the coordinates of the considered point) with the pairs of charts
(chart1, chart2)
as keys (chart1
being a chart onself
a chart oncodomain
);(ii) a single coordinate expression in a given pair of charts, the latter being provided by the arguments
in both cases, if the dimension of the codomain is
, a single coordinate expression can be passed instead of a tuple with a single elementchart1
– (default:None
; used only in case (ii) above) chart onself
defining the start coordinates involved incoord_functions
for case (ii); ifNone
, the coordinates are assumed to refer to the default chart ofself
– (default:None
; used only in case (ii) above) chart oncodomain
defining the target coordinates involved incoord_functions
for case (ii); ifNone
, the coordinates are assumed to refer to the default chart ofcodomain
– (default:None
) name given to the homeomorphismlatex_name
– (default:None
) LaTeX symbol to denote the homeomorphism; ifNone
, the LaTeX symbol is set toname
the homeomorphism, as an instance of
Homeomorphism between the open unit disk in
and :sage: forget() # for doctests only sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') # the open unit disk sage: c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart('x:(-1,1) y:(-1,1)', coord_restrictions=lambda x,y: x^2+y^2<1) ....: # Cartesian coord on M sage: N = Manifold(2, 'N', structure='topological') # R^2 sage: c_XY.<X,Y> = N.chart() # canonical coordinates on R^2 sage: Phi = M.homeomorphism(N, [x/sqrt(1-x^2-y^2), y/sqrt(1-x^2-y^2)], ....: name='Phi', latex_name=r'\Phi') sage: Phi Homeomorphism Phi from the 2-dimensional topological manifold M to the 2-dimensional topological manifold N sage: Phi.display() Phi: M → N (x, y) ↦ (X, Y) = (x/sqrt(-x^2 - y^2 + 1), y/sqrt(-x^2 - y^2 + 1))
The inverse homeomorphism:
sage: Phi^(-1) Homeomorphism Phi^(-1) from the 2-dimensional topological manifold N to the 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: (Phi^(-1)).display() Phi^(-1): N → M (X, Y) ↦ (x, y) = (X/sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + 1), Y/sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + 1))
See the documentation of
for more examples.
- identity_map()#
Identity map of
.The identity map of a topological manifold
is the trivial homeomorphism:OUTPUT:
the identity map as an instance of
Identity map of a complex manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological', field='complex') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: id = M.identity_map(); id Identity map Id_M of the Complex 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: id.parent() Set of Morphisms from Complex 2-dimensional topological manifold M to Complex 2-dimensional topological manifold M in Category of manifolds over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision sage: id.display() Id_M: M → M (x, y) ↦ (x, y)
The identity map acting on a point:
sage: p = M((1+I, 3-I), name='p'); p Point p on the Complex 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: id(p) Point p on the Complex 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: id(p) == p True
See also
for the complete documentation.
- index_generator(nb_indices)#
Generator of index series.
– number of indices in a series
an iterable index series for a generic component with the specified number of indices
Indices on a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological', start_index=1) sage: list(M.index_generator(2)) [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
Loops can be nested:
sage: for ind1 in M.index_generator(2): ....: print("{} : {}".format(ind1, list(M.index_generator(2)))) (1, 1) : [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)] (1, 2) : [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)] (2, 1) : [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)] (2, 2) : [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
- irange(start=None, end=None)#
Single index generator.
– (default:None
) initial value of the index; ifNone
, the value returned bystart_index()
is assumedend
– (default:None
) final value of the index; ifNone
, the value returned bystart_index()
plus , where is the manifold dimension, is assumed
an iterable index, starting from
and ending at
Index range on a 4-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological') sage: list(M.irange()) [0, 1, 2, 3] sage: list(M.irange(start=2)) [2, 3] sage: list(M.irange(end=2)) [0, 1, 2] sage: list(M.irange(start=1, end=2)) [1, 2]
Index range on a 4-dimensional manifold with starting index=1:
sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='topological', start_index=1) sage: list(M.irange()) [1, 2, 3, 4] sage: list(M.irange(start=2)) [2, 3, 4] sage: list(M.irange(end=2)) [1, 2] sage: list(M.irange(start=2, end=3)) [2, 3]
In general, one has always:
sage: next(M.irange()) == M.start_index() True
- is_manifestly_coordinate_domain()#
if the manifold is known to be the domain of some coordinate chart andFalse
is returned, either the manifold cannot be the domain of some coordinate chart or no such chart has been declared yet.EXAMPLES:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: U = M.open_subset('U') sage: X.<x,y> = U.chart() sage: U.is_manifestly_coordinate_domain() True sage: M.is_manifestly_coordinate_domain() False sage: Y.<u,v> = M.chart() sage: M.is_manifestly_coordinate_domain() True
- is_open()#
Return if
is an open set.In the present case (manifold or open subset of it), always return
- one_scalar_field()#
Return the constant scalar field with value the unit element of the base field of
representing the constant scalar field with value the unit element of the base field ofself
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: f = M.one_scalar_field(); f Scalar field 1 on the 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: f.display() 1: M → ℝ (x, y) ↦ 1 sage: f.parent() Algebra of scalar fields on the 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: f is M.scalar_field_algebra().one() True
- open_subset(name, latex_name=None, coord_def={}, supersets=None)#
Create an open subset of the manifold.
An open subset is a set that is (i) included in the manifold and (ii) open with respect to the manifold’s topology. It is a topological manifold by itself. Hence the returned object is an instance of
– name given to the open subsetlatex_name
– (default:None
) LaTeX symbol to denote the subset; if none are provided, it is set toname
– (default: {}) definition of the subset in terms of coordinates;coord_def
must a be dictionary with keys charts on the manifold and values the symbolic expressions formed by the coordinates to define the subsetsupersets
– (default: onlyself
) list of sets that the new open subset is a subset of
the open subset, as an instance of
Creating an open subset of a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: A = M.open_subset('A'); A Open subset A of the 2-dimensional topological manifold M
As an open subset of a topological manifold,
is itself a topological manifold, on the same topological field and of the same dimension asM
:sage: isinstance(A, sage.manifolds.manifold.TopologicalManifold) True sage: A.base_field() == M.base_field() True sage: dim(A) == dim(M) True sage: A.category() is M.category().Subobjects() True
Creating an open subset of
:sage: B = A.open_subset('B'); B Open subset B of the 2-dimensional topological manifold M
We have then:
sage: frozenset(A.subsets()) # random (set output) {Open subset B of the 2-dimensional topological manifold M, Open subset A of the 2-dimensional topological manifold M} sage: B.is_subset(A) True sage: B.is_subset(M) True
Defining an open subset by some coordinate restrictions: the open unit disk in
:sage: M = Manifold(2, 'R^2', structure='topological') sage: c_cart.<x,y> = M.chart() # Cartesian coordinates on R^2 sage: U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={c_cart: x^2+y^2<1}); U Open subset U of the 2-dimensional topological manifold R^2
Since the argument
has been set,U
is automatically provided with a chart, which is the restriction of the Cartesian one toU
:sage: U.atlas() [Chart (U, (x, y))]
Therefore, one can immediately check whether a point belongs to
:sage: M.point((0,0)) in U True sage: M.point((1/2,1/3)) in U True sage: M.point((1,2)) in U False
- options = Current options for manifolds - omit_function_arguments: False - textbook_output: True#
- orientation()#
Get the preferred orientation of
if available.An orientation of an
-dimensional topologial manifold is an atlas of charts whose transition maps are orientation preserving. A homeomorphism for open subsets is called orientation preserving if for each the following map between singular homologies is the identity:See this link for details.
Notice that for differentiable manifolds, the notion of orientability does not need homology theory at all. See
for detailsThe trivial case corresponds to the manifold being covered by one chart. In that case, if no preferred orientation has been manually set before, one of those charts (usually the default chart) is set to the preferred orientation and returned here.
If the manifold is covered by only one chart, it certainly admits an orientation:
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='top') sage: c.<x,y,z> = M.chart() sage: M.orientation() [Chart (M, (x, y, z))]
Usually, an orientation cannot be obtained so easily:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='top') sage: U = M.open_subset('U'); V = M.open_subset('V') sage: M.declare_union(U, V) sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart(); c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart() sage: M.orientation() []
In that case, the orientation can be set by the user manually:
sage: M.set_orientation([c_xy, c_uv]) sage: M.orientation() [Chart (U, (x, y)), Chart (V, (u, v))]
The orientation on submanifolds are inherited from the ambient manifold:
sage: W = U.intersection(V, name='W') sage: W.orientation() [Chart (W, (x, y))]
- scalar_field(coord_expression=None, chart=None, name=None, latex_name=None)#
Define a scalar field on the manifold.
if the manifold is differentiable) for a complete documentation.INPUT:
– (default:None
) coordinate expression(s) of the scalar field; this can be eithera single coordinate expression; if the argument
, this expression is set to all the charts defined on the open set; otherwise, the expression is set in the specific chart provided by the argumentchart
a dictionary of coordinate expressions, with the charts as keys
– (default:None
) chart defining the coordinates used incoord_expression
when the latter is a single coordinate expression; ifNone
, the default chart of the open set is assumed; ifchart=='all'
is assumed to be independent of the chart (constant scalar field)name
– (default:None
) name given to the scalar fieldlatex_name
– (default:None
) LaTeX symbol to denote the scalar field; ifNone
, the LaTeX symbol is set toname
or does not fully specified the scalar field, other coordinate expressions can be added subsequently by means of the methodsadd_expr()
, orset_expr()
instance of
(or of the subclassDiffScalarField
if the manifold is differentiable) representing the defined scalar field
A scalar field defined by its coordinate expression in the open set’s default chart:
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological') sage: U = M.open_subset('U') sage: c_xyz.<x,y,z> = U.chart() sage: f = U.scalar_field(sin(x)*cos(y) + z, name='F'); f Scalar field F on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional topological manifold M sage: f.display() F: U → ℝ (x, y, z) ↦ cos(y)*sin(x) + z sage: f.parent() Algebra of scalar fields on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional topological manifold M sage: f in U.scalar_field_algebra() True
Equivalent definition with the chart specified:
sage: f = U.scalar_field(sin(x)*cos(y) + z, chart=c_xyz, name='F') sage: f.display() F: U → ℝ (x, y, z) ↦ cos(y)*sin(x) + z
Equivalent definition with a dictionary of coordinate expression(s):
sage: f = U.scalar_field({c_xyz: sin(x)*cos(y) + z}, name='F') sage: f.display() F: U → ℝ (x, y, z) ↦ cos(y)*sin(x) + z
See the documentation of class
for more examples.
- scalar_field_algebra()#
Return the algebra of scalar fields defined the manifold.
for a complete documentation.OUTPUT:
instance of
representing the algebra of all scalar fields defined on =self
Scalar algebra of a 3-dimensional open subset:
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological') sage: U = M.open_subset('U') sage: CU = U.scalar_field_algebra() ; CU Algebra of scalar fields on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional topological manifold M sage: CU.category() Join of Category of commutative algebras over Symbolic Ring and Category of homsets of topological spaces sage: Scalar field zero on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional topological manifold M
The output is cached:
sage: U.scalar_field_algebra() is CU True
- set_calculus_method(method)#
Set the calculus method to be used for coordinate computations on this manifold.
The provided method is transmitted to all coordinate charts defined on the manifold.
– string specifying the method to be used for coordinate computations on this manifold; one of'SR'
: Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)'sympy'
: SymPy
Let us consider a scalar field
on a 2-dimensional manifold:sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: f = M.scalar_field(x^2 + cos(y)*sin(x), name='F')
By default, the coordinate expression of
returned byexpr()
is a Sage’s symbolic expression:sage: f.expr() x^2 + cos(y)*sin(x) sage: type(f.expr()) <class 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'> sage: parent(f.expr()) Symbolic Ring sage: f.display() F: M → ℝ (x, y) ↦ x^2 + cos(y)*sin(x)
If we change the calculus method to SymPy, it becomes a SymPy object instead:
sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy') sage: f.expr() x**2 + sin(x)*cos(y) sage: type(f.expr()) <class 'sympy.core.add.Add'> sage: parent(f.expr()) <class 'sympy.core.add.Add'> sage: f.display() F: M → ℝ (x, y) ↦ x**2 + sin(x)*cos(y)
Back to the Symbolic Ring:
sage: M.set_calculus_method('SR') sage: f.display() F: M → ℝ (x, y) ↦ x^2 + cos(y)*sin(x)
The calculus method chosen via
applies to any chart defined subsequently on the manifold:sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy') sage: Y.<u,v> = M.chart() # a new chart sage: Y.calculus_method() Available calculus methods (* = current): - SR (default) - sympy (*)
See also
for a control of the calculus method chart by chart
- set_default_chart(chart)#
Changing the default chart on
– a chart (must be defined on some subsetself
Charts on a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: c_uv.<u,v> = M.chart() sage: M.default_chart() Chart (M, (x, y)) sage: M.set_default_chart(c_uv) sage: M.default_chart() Chart (M, (u, v))
- set_orientation(orientation)#
Set the preferred orientation of
– a chart or a list of charts
It is the user’s responsibility that the orientation set here is indeed an orientation. There is no check going on in the background. See
for the definition of an orientation.EXAMPLES:
Set an orientation on a manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='top') sage: c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart(); c_uv.<u,v> = M.chart() sage: M.set_orientation(c_uv) sage: M.orientation() [Chart (M, (u, v))]
Set an orientation in the non-trivial case:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='top') sage: U = M.open_subset('U'); V = M.open_subset('V') sage: M.declare_union(U, V) sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart(); c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart() sage: M.set_orientation([c_xy, c_uv]) sage: M.orientation() [Chart (U, (x, y)), Chart (V, (u, v))]
- set_simplify_function(simplifying_func, method=None)#
Set the simplifying function associated to a given coordinate calculus method in all the charts defined on
– either the string'default'
for restoring the default simplifying function or a functionf
of a single argumentexpr
such thatf(expr)
returns an object of the same type asexpr
(hopefully the simplified version ofexpr
), this type beingExpression
a SymPy type if
– (default:None
) string defining the calculus method for whichsimplifying_func
is provided; must be one of'SR'
: Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)'sympy'
: SymPyNone
: the currently active calculus method on each chart is assumed
See also
for a control of the calculus method chart by chartEXAMPLES:
Les us add two scalar fields on a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: f = M.scalar_field((x+y)^2 + cos(x)^2) sage: g = M.scalar_field(-x^2-2*x*y-y^2 + sin(x)^2) sage: f.expr() (x + y)^2 + cos(x)^2 sage: g.expr() -x^2 - 2*x*y - y^2 + sin(x)^2 sage: s = f + g
The outcome is automatically simplified:
sage: s.expr() 1
The simplification is performed thanks to the default simplifying function on chart
, which issimplify_chain_real()
in the present case (real manifold andSR
calculus):sage: X.calculus_method().simplify_function() is \ ....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real True
Let us change it to the generic Sage function
:sage: M.set_simplify_function(simplify) sage: X.calculus_method().simplify_function() is simplify True
is faster, but it does not do much:sage: s = f + g sage: s.expr() (x + y)^2 - x^2 - 2*x*y - y^2 + cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2
We can replaced it by any user defined function, for instance:
sage: def simpl_trig(a): ....: return a.simplify_trig() sage: M.set_simplify_function(simpl_trig) sage: s = f + g sage: s.expr() 1
The default simplifying function is restored via:
sage: M.set_simplify_function('default')
Then we are back to:
sage: X.calculus_method().simplify_function() is \ ....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real True
Thanks to the argument
, one can specify a simplifying function for a calculus method distinct from the current one. For instance, let us define a simplifying function for SymPy (note thattrigsimp()
is a SymPy method only):sage: def simpl_trig_sympy(a): ....: return a.trigsimp() sage: M.set_simplify_function(simpl_trig_sympy, method='sympy')
Then, it becomes active as soon as we change the calculus engine to SymPy:
sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy') sage: X.calculus_method().simplify_function() is simpl_trig_sympy True
We have then:
sage: s = f + g sage: s.expr() 1 sage: type(s.expr()) <class 'sympy.core.numbers.One'>
- start_index()#
Return the first value of the index range used on the manifold.
This is the parameter
passed at the construction of the manifold.OUTPUT:
the integer
such that all indices of indexed objects on the manifold range from to , where is the manifold’s dimension
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological') sage: M.start_index() 0 sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='topological', start_index=1) sage: M.start_index() 1
- top_charts()#
Return the list of charts defined on subsets of the current manifold that are not subcharts of charts on larger subsets.
list of charts defined on open subsets of the manifold but not on larger subsets
Charts on a 2-dimensional manifold:
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={X: x>0}) sage: Y.<u,v> = U.chart() sage: M.top_charts() [Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (U, (u, v))]
Note that the (user) atlas contains one more chart:
(U, (x,y))
, which is not a “top” chart:sage: M.atlas() [Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (U, (x, y)), Chart (U, (u, v))]
See also
for the complete list of charts defined on the manifold.
- vector_bundle(rank, name, field='real', latex_name=None)#
Return a topological vector bundle over the given field with given rank over this topological manifold.
– rank of the vector bundlename
– name given to the total spacefield
– (default:'real'
) topological field giving the vector space structure to the fiberslatex_name
– optional LaTeX name for the total space
a topological vector bundle as an instance of
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='top') sage: M.vector_bundle(2, 'E') Topological real vector bundle E -> M of rank 2 over the base space 2-dimensional topological manifold M
- zero_scalar_field()#
Return the zero scalar field defined on
representing the constant scalar field with value
sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological') sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart() sage: f = M.zero_scalar_field() ; f Scalar field zero on the 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: f.display() zero: M → ℝ (x, y) ↦ 0 sage: f.parent() Algebra of scalar fields on the 2-dimensional topological manifold M sage: f is M.scalar_field_algebra().zero() True