Plotting primitives#
- class sage.plot.primitive.GraphicPrimitive(options)#
Base class for graphics primitives, e.g., things that knows how to draw themselves in 2D.
We create an object that derives from GraphicPrimitive:
sage: P = line([(-1,-2), (3,5)]) sage: P[0] Line defined by 2 points sage: type(P[0]) <class 'sage.plot.line.Line'>
- options()#
Return the dictionary of options for this graphics primitive.
By default this function verifies that the options are all valid; if any aren’t, then a verbose message is printed with level 0.
sage: from sage.plot.primitive import GraphicPrimitive sage: GraphicPrimitive({}).options() {}
- plot3d(**kwds)#
Plots 3D version of 2D graphics object. Not implemented for base class.
sage: from sage.plot.primitive import GraphicPrimitive sage: G=GraphicPrimitive({}) sage: G.plot3d() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: 3D plotting not implemented for Graphics primitive
- set_options(new_options)#
Change the options to \(new_options\).
sage: from import Circle sage: c = Circle(0,0,1,{}) sage: c.set_options({'thickness': 0.6}) sage: c.options() {'thickness': 0.6...}
- set_zorder(zorder)#
Set the layer in which to draw the object.
sage: P = line([(-2,-3), (3,4)], thickness=4) sage: p=P[0] sage: p.set_zorder(2) sage: p.options()['zorder'] 2 sage: Q = line([(-2,-4), (3,5)], thickness=4,zorder=1,hue=.5) sage: P+Q # blue line on top Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives sage: q=Q[0] sage: q.set_zorder(3) sage: P+Q # teal line on top Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives sage: q.options()['zorder'] 3
- class sage.plot.primitive.GraphicPrimitive_xydata(options)#
- get_minmax_data()#
Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data.
sage: d = polygon([[1,2], [5,6], [5,0]], rgbcolor=(1,0,1))[0].get_minmax_data() sage: d['ymin'] 0.0 sage: d['xmin'] 1.0
sage: d = point((3, 3), rgbcolor=hue(0.75))[0].get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 3.0 sage: d['ymin'] 3.0
sage: l = line([(100, 100), (120, 120)])[0] sage: d = l.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 100.0 sage: d['xmax'] 120.0