Cubic Hecke Algebras#
We consider the factors of the group algebra of the Artin braid groups such that the images \(s_i\) of the braid generators satisfy a cubic equation:
Here \(u, v, w\) are elements in an arbitrary integral domain and \(i\) is a
positive integer less than \(n\), the number of the braid group’s strands.
By the analogue to the Iwahori Hecke algebras (see
), in which the
braid generators satisfy a quadratic relation these algebras have been called
cubic Hecke algebras. The relations inherited from the braid group are:
The algebra epimorphism from the braid group algebra over the same base ring is realized inside the element constructor of the present class, for example in the case of the 3 strand cubic Hecke algebra:
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3)
sage: BG3 = CHA3.braid_group()
sage: braid = BG3((1,2,-1,2,2,-1)); braid
sage: braid_image = CHA3(braid); braid_image
u*c1*c0^-1*c1 + u*v*c0*c1^-1*c0^-1 + (-u^2)*c0^-1*c1
+ ((u^2*v-v^2)/w)*c0*c1*c0^-1 + ((u^2-v)/w)*c0*c1*c0
+ ((-u^3+u*v)/w)*c0*c1 + (-u*v+w)*c1^-1
If the ring elements \(u, v, w\) (which will be called the cubic equation
parameters in the sequel) are taken to be \(u = v = 0, w = 1\) the cubic Hecke
algebra specializes to the group algebra of the cubic braid group, which is
the factor group of the Artin braid group under setting the generators order
to be three. These groups can be obtained by
It is well known, that these algebras are free of finite rank as long as the number of braid generators is less than six and infinite dimensional else wise. In the former (non trivial) cases they are also known as cyclotomic Hecke algebras corresponding to the complex reflection groups having Shepard-Todd number \(4\), \(25\) and \(32\).
Since the Broué, Malle, Rouquiere conjecture has been proved (for references of these cases see [Mar2012]) there exists a finite free basis of the cubic Hecke algebra which is in bijection to the cubic braid group and compatible with the specialization to the cubic braid group algebra as explained above.
For the algebras corresponding to braid groups of less than five strands such a basis has been calculated by Ivan Marin. This one is used here. In the case of 5 strands such a basis is not available, right now. Instead the elements of the cubic braid group class themselves are used as basis elements. This is also the case when the cubic braid group is infinite, even though it is not known if these elements span all of the cubic Hecke algebra.
Accordingly, be aware that the module embedding of the group algebra of the cubicbraid groups is known to be an isomorphism of free modules only in the cases of less than five strands.
Consider the obstruction b
of the triple quadratic algebra from Section 2.6
of [Mar2018]. We verify that the third power of it is a scalar multiple
of itself (explicitly 2*w^2
times the Schur element of the three
dimensional irreducible representation):
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3)
sage: c1, c2 = CHA3.gens()
sage: b = c1^2*c2 - c2*c1^2 - c1*c2^2 + c2^2*c1; b
w*c0^-1*c1 + (-w)*c0*c1^-1 + (-w)*c1*c0^-1 + w*c1^-1*c0
sage: b2 = b*b
sage: b3 = b2*b
sage: BR = CHA3.base_ring()
sage: ER = CHA3.extension_ring()
sage: u, v, w = BR.gens()
sage: f = BR(b3.coefficients()[0]/w)
sage: try:
....: sh = CHA3.schur_element(CHA3.irred_repr.W3_111)
....: except NotImplementedError: # for the case GAP3 / CHEVIE not available
....: sh = ER(f/(2*w^2))
sage: ER(f/(2*w^2)) == sh
sage: b3 == f*b
Defining the cubic Hecke algebra on 6 strands will need some seconds for initializing. However, you can do calculations inside the infinite algebra as well:
sage: CHA6 = algebras.CubicHecke(6) # optional - database_cubic_hecke
sage: CHA6.inject_variables() # optional - database_cubic_hecke
Defining c0, c1, c2, c3, c4
sage: s = c0*c1*c2*c3*c4; s # optional - database_cubic_hecke
sage: s^2 # optional - database_cubic_hecke
sage: t = CHA6.an_element() * c4; t # optional - database_cubic_hecke
(-w)*c0*c1^-1*c4 + v*c0*c2^-1*c4 + u*c2*c1*c4 + ((-v*w+u)/w)*c4
Sebastian Oehms May 2020: initial version
- class sage.algebras.hecke_algebras.cubic_hecke_algebra.CubicHeckeAlgebra(names, cubic_equation_parameters=None, cubic_equation_roots=None)#
Return the Cubic-Hecke algebra with respect to the Artin braid group on \(n\) strands.
This is a quotient of the group algebra of the Artin braid group, such that the images \(s_i\) (\(1 \leq i < n\)) of the braid generators satisfy a cubic equation (see
for more information, in a session typesage.algebras.hecke_algebras.cubic_hecke_algebra?
):\[s_i^3 = u s_i^2 - v s_i + w.\]The base ring of this algebra can be specified by giving optional keywords described below. If no keywords are given, the base ring will be a
, which is constructed as the polynomial ring in \(u, v, w\) over the integers localized at \(w\). This ring will be called the ring of definition or sometimes for short generic base ring. However note, that in this context the word generic should not remind in a generic point of the corresponding scheme.In addition to the base ring, another ring containing the roots (\(a\), \(b\) and \(c\)) of the cubic equation will be needed to handle the split irreducible representations. This ring will be called the extension ring. Generically, the extension ring will be a
, which is constructed as the Laurent polynomial ring in \(a, b\) and \(c\) over the integers adjoined with a primitive third root of unity. A special form of this generic extension ring is constructed as aSplittingAlgebra
for the roots of the cubic equation and a primitive third root of unity over the ring of definition. This ring will be called the default extension ring.This class uses a static and a dynamic data library. The first one is defined as instance of
and contains the complete basis for the algebras with less than 5 strands and various types of representation matrices of the generators. These data have been calculated by Ivan Marin and have been imported from his corresponding web page.Note that just the data for the cubic Hecke algebras on less than four strands is available in Sage by default. To deal with four strands and more you need to install the optional package database_cubic_hecke by typing
sage -i database_cubic_hecke
(first time installation) orsage -f database_cubic_hecke
(reinstallation) respectivesage -i -c database_cubic_hecke
(for running all test in concern)sage -f -c database_cubic_hecke
This will add a Python wrapper around Ivan Marin’s data to the Sage library. For more installation hints see the documentation of this wrapper.
Furthermore, representation matrices can be obtained from the
package ofGAP3
via theGAP3
interface ifGAP3
is installed inside Sage. For more information on how to obtain representation matrices to elements of this class, see the documentation of the element classCubicHeckeElement
or its methodmatrix()
The second library is created as instance of
and used while working with the class to achieve a better performance. This file cache contains images of braids and representation matrices of basis elements from former calculations. A refresh of the file cache can be done using thereset_filecache()
– string containing the names of the generators as images of the braid group generatorscubic_equation_parameters
– tuple(u, v, w)
of three elements in an integral domain used as coefficients in the cubic equation. If this argument is given the base ring will be set to the common parent ofu, v, w
. In addition a conversion map from the generic base ring is supplied. This keyword can also be used to change the variable names of the generic base ring (see example 3 below)cubic_equation_roots
– tuple(a, b, c)
of three elements in an integral domain which stand for the roots of the cubic equation. If this argument is given the extension ring will be set to the common parent ofa, b, c
. In addition a conversion map from the generic extension ring and the generic base ring is supplied. This keyword can also be used to change the variable names of the generic extension ring (see example 3 below)
Cubic Hecke algebra over the ring of definition:
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke('s1, s2'); CHA3 Cubic Hecke algebra on 3 strands over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,) with cubic equation: h^3 - u*h^2 + v*h - w = 0 sage: CHA3.gens() (s1, s2) sage: GER = CHA3.extension_ring(generic=True); GER Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in a, b, c over Splitting Algebra of x^2 + x + 1 with roots [e3, -e3 - 1] over Integer Ring sage: ER = CHA3.extension_ring(); ER Splitting Algebra of T^2 + T + 1 with roots [E3, -E3 - 1] over Splitting Algebra of h^3 - u*h^2 + v*h - w with roots [a, b, -b - a + u] over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,)
Element construction:
sage: ele = CHA3.an_element(); ele (-w)*s1*s2^-1 + v*s1 + u*s2 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: ele2 = ele**2; ele2 w^2*(s1^-1*s2)^2 + (-u*w^2)*s1^-1*s2*s1^-1 + (-v*w)*s2*s1^-1*s2 + (-v*w^2)*s1^-1*s2^-1 + u*w*s1*s2*s1^-1*s2 + (-u*w)*s1^-1*s2*s1 + (-u*v*w+2*v*w-2*u)*s1*s2^-1 + u*v*w*s2*s1^-1 + u*v*s2*s1 + v^2*w*s1^-1 + (-u^2*w)*s1*s2*s1^-1 + ((u*v^2*w-2*v^2*w-u*w^2+2*u*v)/w)*s1 + u*v*s1*s2 + (u^2*w+v^2*w)*s2^-1 + ((u^3*w-2*u*v*w+2*u^2)/w)*s2 + ((-u^2*v*w^2-v^3*w^2+v^2*w^2-2*u*v*w+u^2)/w^2) sage: B3 = CHA3.braid_group() sage: braid = B3((2,-1, 2, 1)); braid s2*s1^-1*s2*s1 sage: ele3 = CHA3(braid); ele3 s1*s2*s1^-1*s2 + u*s1^-1*s2*s1 + (-v)*s1*s2^-1 + v*s2^-1*s1 + (-u)*s1*s2*s1^-1 sage: ele3t = CHA3((2,-1, 2, 1)) sage: ele3 == ele3t True sage: CHA4 = algebras.CubicHecke(4) # optional database_cubic_hecke sage: ele4 = CHA4(ele3); ele4 # optional database_cubic_hecke c0*c1*c0^-1*c1 + u*c0^-1*c1*c0 + (-v)*c0*c1^-1 + v*c1^-1*c0 + (-u)*c0*c1*c0^-1
Cubic Hecke algebra over the ring of definition using different variable names:
sage: algebras.CubicHecke(3, cubic_equation_parameters='u, v, w', cubic_equation_roots='p, q, r') Cubic Hecke algebra on 3 strands over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,) with cubic equation: h^3 - u*h^2 + v*h - w = 0 sage: _.extension_ring() Splitting Algebra of T^2 + T + 1 with roots [E3, -E3 - 1] over Splitting Algebra of h^3 - u*h^2 + v*h - w with roots [p, q, -q - p + u] over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,)
Cubic Hecke algebra over a special base ring with respect to a special cubic equation:
sage: algebras.CubicHecke('s1, s2', cubic_equation_parameters=(QQ(1),3,1)) Cubic Hecke algebra on 3 strands over Rational Field with cubic equation: h^3 - h^2 + 3*h - 1 = 0 sage: CHA3 = _ sage: ER = CHA3.extension_ring(); ER Number Field in T with defining polynomial T^12 + 4*T^11 + 51*T^10 + 154*T^9 + 855*T^8 + 1880*T^7 + 5805*T^6 + 8798*T^5 + 15312*T^4 + 14212*T^3 + 13224*T^2 + 5776*T + 1444 sage: CHA3.cubic_equation_roots()[0] -4321/1337904*T^11 - 4181/445968*T^10 - 4064/27873*T^9 - 51725/167238*T^8 - 2693189/1337904*T^7 - 1272907/445968*T^6 - 704251/74328*T^5 - 591488/83619*T^4 - 642145/83619*T^3 + 252521/111492*T^2 + 45685/5868*T + 55187/17604 sage: F = GF(25,'u') sage: algebras.CubicHecke('s1, s2', cubic_equation_parameters=(F(1), F.gen(), F(3))) Cubic Hecke algebra on 3 strands over Finite Field in u of size 5^2 with cubic equation: h^3 + 4*h^2 + u*h + 2 = 0 sage: CHA3 = _ sage: ER = CHA3.extension_ring(); ER Finite Field in S of size 5^4 sage: CHA3.cubic_equation_roots() [2*S^3 + 2*S^2 + 2*S + 1, 2*S^3 + 3*S^2 + 3*S + 2, S^3 + 3]
Cubic Hecke algebra over a special extension ring with respect to special roots of the cubic equation:
sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField() sage: e3=UCF.gen(3); e5=UCF.gen(5) sage: algebras.CubicHecke('s1, s2', cubic_equation_roots=(1, e5, e3)) Cubic Hecke algebra on 3 strands over Universal Cyclotomic Field with cubic equation: h^3 + (-E(15) - E(15)^4 - E(15)^7 + E(15)^8)*h^2 + (-E(15)^2 - E(15)^8 - E(15)^11 - E(15)^13 - E(15)^14)*h - E(15)^8 = 0
- Element#
alias of
- algebra_generators()#
Return the algebra generators of
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.algebra_generators() Finite family {c: c}
- base_ring(generic=False)#
Return the base ring of
– boolean (default:False
); ifTrue
the ring of definition (here often called the generic base ring) is returned
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2, cubic_equation_roots=(3, 4, 5)) sage: CHA2.base_ring() Integer Ring localized at (2, 3, 5) sage: CHA2.base_ring(generic=True) Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,)
- braid_group()#
Return the braid group attached to
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.braid_group() Braid group on 2 strands
- braid_group_algebra()#
Return the group algebra of braid group attached to
over the base ring ofself
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.braid_group_algebra() Algebra of Braid group on 2 strands over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,)
- characters(irr=None, original=True)#
Return the irreducible characters of
.By default the values are given in the generic extension ring. Setting the keyword
you can obtain the values in the (non generic) extension ring (compare the same keyword forCubicHeckeElement.matrix()
– (optional) instance ofAbsIrreducibeRep
selecting the irreducible representation corresponding to the character; if not given a list of all characters is returnedoriginal
– (default:True
) see description above
Function or list of Functions from the element class of
to the (generic or non generic) extension ring depending on the given keyword arguments.EXAMPLES:
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ch = CHA3.characters() sage: e = CHA3.an_element() sage: ch[0](e) a^2*b + a^2*c + a^2 - b*c + b^-1*c^-1 + a^-1*c^-1 + a^-1*b^-1 sage: _.parent() Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in a, b, c over Splitting Algebra of x^2 + x + 1 with roots [e3, -e3 - 1] over Integer Ring sage: ch_w3_100 = CHA3.characters(irr=CHA3.irred_repr.W3_100) sage: ch_w3_100(e) == ch[0](e) True sage: ch_x = CHA3.characters(original=False) sage: ch_x[0](e) (u + v)*a + (-v*w - w^2 + u)/w sage: _.parent() Splitting Algebra of T^2 + T + 1 with roots [E3, -E3 - 1] over Splitting Algebra of h^3 - u*h^2 + v*h - w with roots [a, b, -b - a + u] over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,)
- chevie()#
Return the
realization of the corresponding cyclotomic Hecke algebra in the finite-dimensional case.EXAMPLES:
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) # optional gap3 sage: CHA3.chevie() # optional gap3 Hecke(G4,[[a,b,c]])
- cubic_braid_group()#
Return the cubic braid group attached to
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.cubic_braid_group() Cubic Braid group on 2 strands
- cubic_braid_group_algebra()#
Return the group algebra of cubic braid group attached to
over the base ring ofself
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.cubic_braid_group_algebra() Algebra of Cubic Braid group on 2 strands over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,)
- cubic_equation(var='h', as_coefficients=False, generic=False)#
Return the cubic equation attached to
– string (defaulth
) setting the indeterminate of the equationas_coefficients
– boolean (default:False
); if set toTrue
the list of coefficients is returnedgeneric
– boolean (default:False
); if set toTrue
the cubic equation will be given over the generic base ring
A polynomial over the base ring (resp. generic base ring if
is set to True). In caseas_coefficients
is set toTrue
a list of them is returned.EXAMPLES:
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2, cubic_equation_roots=(E(3), ~E(3), 1)) sage: CHA2.cubic_equation() h^3 - 1 sage: CHA2.cubic_equation(generic=True) h^3 - u*h^2 + v*h - w sage: CHA2.cubic_equation(as_coefficients=True, generic=True) [-w, v, -u, 1] sage: CHA2.cubic_equation(as_coefficients=True) [-1, 0, 0, 1]
- cubic_equation_parameters(generic=False)#
Return the coefficients of the underlying cubic equation.
– boolean (default:False
); if set toTrue
the coefficients are returned as elements of the generic base ring
A tripple consisting of the coefficients.
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2, cubic_equation_roots=(3, 4, 5)) sage: CHA2.cubic_equation() h^3 - 12*h^2 + 47*h - 60 sage: CHA2.cubic_equation_parameters() [12, 47, 60] sage: CHA2.cubic_equation_parameters(generic=True) [u, v, w]
- cubic_equation_roots(generic=False)#
Return the roots of the underlying cubic equation.
– boolean (default:False
); if set toTrue
the roots are returned as elements of the generic extension ring
A triple consisting of the roots.
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2, cubic_equation_roots=(3, 4, 5)) sage: CHA2.cubic_equation() h^3 - 12*h^2 + 47*h - 60 sage: CHA2.cubic_equation_roots() [3, 4, 5] sage: CHA2.cubic_equation_roots(generic=True) [a, b, c]
- cubic_hecke_subalgebra(nstrands=None)#
Return a
that realizes a sub-algebra ofself
on the firstn_strands
– integer at least 1 and at moststrands()
giving the number of strands for the subgroup; the default is one strand less thanself
An instance of this class realizing the sub-algebra.
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3, cubic_equation_roots=(3, 4, 5)) sage: CHA3.cubic_hecke_subalgebra() Cubic Hecke algebra on 2 strands over Integer Ring localized at (2, 3, 5) with cubic equation: h^3 - 12*h^2 + 47*h - 60 = 0
- cyclotomic_generator(generic=False)#
Return the third root of unity as element of the extension ring.
The only thing where this is needed is in the nine dimensional irreducible representations of the cubic Hecke algebra on four strands (see the examples of
for instance).INPUT:
– boolean (default:False
); ifTrue
the cyclotomic generator is returned as an element extension ring of definition
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2, cubic_equation_roots=(3, 4, 5)) sage: CHA2.cyclotomic_generator() E3 sage: CHA2.cyclotomic_generator(generic=True) e3
- extension_ring(generic=False)#
Return the extension ring of
.This is an extension of its base ring containing the roots of the cubic equation.
– boolean (default:False
); ifTrue
the extension ring of definition (here often called the generic extension ring) is returned
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2, cubic_equation_roots=(3, 4, 5)) sage: CHA2.extension_ring() Splitting Algebra of T^2 + T + 1 with roots [E3, -E3 - 1] over Integer Ring localized at (2, 3, 5) sage: CHA2.extension_ring(generic=True) Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in a, b, c over Splitting Algebra of x^2 + x + 1 with roots [e3, -e3 - 1] over Integer Ring
- filecache_section()#
Return the
to select a section in the file cache.EXAMPLES:
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: list(CHA2.filecache_section()) [<section.matrix_representations: 'matrix_representations'>, <section.braid_images: 'braid_images'>, <section.basis_extensions: 'basis_extensions'>, <section.markov_trace: 'markov_trace'>]
- garside_involution(element)#
Return the image of the given element of
under the extension of the Garside involution of braids toself
.This method may be invoked by the
method of the element class ofself
, alternatively.INPUT:
– instance of the element class ofself
Instance of the element class of
representing the image ofelement
under the extension of the Garside involution toself
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ele = CHA3.an_element() sage: ele_gar = CHA3.garside_involution(ele); ele_gar (-w)*c1*c0^-1 + u*c0 + v*c1 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: ele == CHA3.garside_involution(ele_gar) True
- gen(i)#
-th generator of the algebra.EXAMPLES:
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.gen(0) c
- gens()#
Return the generators of
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.gens() (c,)
- get_order()#
Return an ordering of the basis of
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: len(CHA3.get_order()) 24
- irred_repr#
alias of
- is_filecache_empty(section=None)#
if the file cache of the givensection
is empty. If nosection
is given the answer is given for the complete file cache.INPUT:
– (default: all sections) an element of enumsection
that can be selected usingfilecache_section()
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.is_filecache_empty() False
- mirror_image()#
Return a copy of
with the mirrored cubic equation, that is: the cubic equation has the inverse roots to the roots with respect toself
.This is needed since the mirror involution of the braid group does not factor through
(considered as an algebra over the base ring, just considered as \(\ZZ\)-algebra). Therefore, the mirror involution of an element ofself
belongs tomirror_image
A cubic Hecke algebra over the same base and extension ring, but whose cubic equation is transformed by the mirror involution applied to its coefficients and roots.
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: ce = CHA2.cubic_equation(); ce h^3 - u*h^2 + v*h - w sage: CHA2m = CHA2.mirror_image() sage: cem = CHA2m.cubic_equation(); cem h^3 + ((-v)/w)*h^2 + u/w*h + (-1)/w sage: mi = CHA2.base_ring().mirror_involution(); mi Ring endomorphism of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring localized at (w,) Defn: u |--> v/w v |--> u/w w |--> 1/w sage: cem == cem.parent()([mi(cf) for cf in ce.coefficients()]) True
Note that both cubic Hecke algebras have the same ring of definition and identical generic cubic equation:
sage: cemg = CHA2m.cubic_equation(generic=True) sage: CHA2.cubic_equation(generic=True) == cemg True sage: CHA2.cubic_equation() == cemg True sage: a, b, c = CHA2.cubic_equation_roots() sage: CHA2m.cubic_equation_roots(generic=True) == [a, b, c] True sage: CHA2m.cubic_equation_roots() [((-1)/(-w))*a^2 + (u/(-w))*a + (-v)/(-w), ((1/(-w))*a)*b + (1/(-w))*a^2 + ((-u)/(-w))*a, (((-1)/(-w))*a)*b] sage: ai, bi, ci = _ sage: ai == ~a, bi == ~b, ci == ~c (True, True, True) sage: CHA2.extension_ring(generic=True).mirror_involution() Ring endomorphism of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in a, b, c over Splitting Algebra of x^2 + x + 1 with roots [e3, -e3 - 1] over Integer Ring Defn: a |--> a^-1 b |--> b^-1 c |--> c^-1 with map of base ring
The mirror image can not be obtained for specialized cubic Hecke algebras if the specialization does not factor through the mirror involution on the ring if definition:
sage: CHA2s = algebras.CubicHecke(2, cubic_equation_roots=(3, 4, 5)) sage: CHA2s Cubic Hecke algebra on 2 strands over Integer Ring localized at (2, 3, 5) with cubic equation: h^3 - 12*h^2 + 47*h - 60 = 0
In the next example it is not clear what the mirror image of
should be:sage: CHA2s.mirror_image() Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: base ring Integer Ring localized at (2, 3, 5) does not factor through mirror involution
- mirror_isomorphism(element)#
Return the image of the given element of
under the extension of the mirror involution of braids toself
. The mirror involution of a braid is given by inverting all generators in the braid word. It does not factor throughself
over the base ring but it factors throughself
considered as a \(\ZZ\)-module relative to the mirror automorphism of the generic base ring. Consideringself
as algebra over its base ring this involution defines an isomorphism ofself
onto a different cubic Hecke algebra with a different cubic equation. This is defined over a different base (and extension) ring thanself
. It can be obtained by the methodmirror_image
or as parent of the output of this method.This method may be invoked by the
method of the element class ofself
, alternatively.INPUT:
– instance of the element class ofself
Instance of the element class of the mirror image of
representing the image of element under the extension of the braid mirror involution toself
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ele = CHA3.an_element() sage: ele_mirr = CHA3.mirror_isomorphism(ele); ele_mirr -1/w*c0^-1*c1 + u/w*c0^-1 + v/w*c1^-1 + ((v*w-u)/w) sage: ele_mirr2 = ele.revert_mirror() # indirect doctest sage: ele_mirr == ele_mirr2 True sage: par_mirr = ele_mirr.parent() sage: par_mirr == CHA3 False sage: par_mirr == CHA3.mirror_image() True sage: ele == par_mirr.mirror_isomorphism(ele_mirr) True
- ngens()#
The number of generators of the algebra.
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.ngens() 1
- one_basis()#
Return the index of the basis element for the identity element in the cubic braid group.
sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA2.one_basis() 1
- orientation_antiinvolution(element)#
Return the image of the given element of
under the extension of the orientation anti involution of braids toself
. The orientation anti involution of a braid is given by reversing the order of generators in the braid word.This method may be invoked by the
method of the element class ofself
, alternatively.INPUT:
– instance of the element class ofself
Instance of the element class of
representing the image ofelement
under the extension of the orientation reversing braid involution toself
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ele = CHA3.an_element() sage: ele_ori = CHA3.orientation_antiinvolution(ele); ele_ori (-w)*c1^-1*c0 + v*c0 + u*c1 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: ele == CHA3.orientation_antiinvolution(ele_ori) True
- product_on_basis(g1, g2)#
Return product on basis elements indexed by
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: g = CHA3.basis().keys().an_element(); g c0*c1 sage: CHA3.product_on_basis(g, ~g) 1 sage: CHA3.product_on_basis(g, g) w*c0^-1*c1*c0 + (-v)*c1*c0 + u*c0*c1*c0
- repr_type#
alias of
- reset_filecache(section=None, commit=True)#
Reset the file cache of the given
resp. the complete file cache if nosection
is given.INPUT:
– (default: all sections) an element of enumsection
that can be selected usingfilecache_section()
– boolean (default:True
); if set toFalse
the reset is not written to the filesystem
sage: CHA5 = algebras.CubicHecke(5) # optional - database_cubic_hecke sage: be = CHA5.filecache_section().basis_extensions # optional - database_cubic_hecke sage: CHA5.is_filecache_empty(be) # optional - database_cubic_hecke False sage: CHA5.reset_filecache(be) # optional - database_cubic_hecke sage: CHA5.is_filecache_empty(be) # optional - database_cubic_hecke True
- schur_element(item, generic=False)#
Return a single Schur element of
as elements of the extension ring ofself
This method needs
installed with packageCHEVIE
– an element ofAbsIrreducibeRep
to give the irreducible representation ofself
to which the Schur element should be returnedgeneric
– boolean (default:False
); ifTrue
, the element is returned as element of the generic extension ring
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) # optional gap3 sage: CHA3.schur_element(CHA3.irred_repr.W3_111) # optional gap3 (u^3*w + v^3 - 6*u*v*w + 8*w^2)/w^2
- schur_elements(generic=False)#
Return the list of Schur elements of
as elements of the extension ring ofself
This method needs
installed with packageCHEVIE
– boolean (default:False
); ifTrue
, the element is returned as element of the generic extension ring
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) # optional gap3 sage: sch_eles = CHA3.schur_elements() # optional gap3 sage: sch_eles[6] # optional gap3 (u^3*w + v^3 - 6*u*v*w + 8*w^2)/w^2
- strands()#
Return the number of strands of the braid group whose group algebra image is
sage: CHA4 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: CHA4.strands() 2
- class sage.algebras.hecke_algebras.cubic_hecke_algebra.CubicHeckeElement#
An element of a
.For more information see
sage: CHA3s = algebras.CubicHecke('s1, s2'); CHA3s.an_element() (-w)*s1*s2^-1 + v*s1 + u*s2 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: CHA3.<c1, c2> = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: c1**3*~c2 u*w*c1^-1*c2^-1 + (u^2-v)*c1*c2^-1 + (-u*v+w)*c2^-1
- Tietze()#
Return the Tietze presentation of
belongs to the basis of its parent andNone
A tuple representing the pre image braid of
is a monomial from the basisNone
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ele = CHA3.an_element(); ele (-w)*c0*c1^-1 + v*c0 + u*c1 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: ele.Tietze() is None True sage: [CHA3(sp).Tietze() for sp in] [(), (1,), (1, -2), (2,)]
- braid_group_algebra_pre_image()#
Return a pre image of
in the group algebra of the braid group (with respect to the basis given by Ivan Marin).OUTPUT:
The pre image of
as instance of the element class of the group algebra of the BraidGroupEXAMPLES:
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ele = CHA3.an_element(); ele (-w)*c0*c1^-1 + v*c0 + u*c1 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: b_ele = ele.braid_group_algebra_pre_image(); b_ele ((-v*w+u)/w) + v*c0 + u*c1 + (-w)*c0*c1^-1 sage: ele in CHA3 True sage: b_ele in CHA3 False sage: b_ele in CHA3.braid_group_algebra() True
- cubic_braid_group_algebra_pre_image()#
Return a pre image of
in the group algebra of the cubic braid group.OUTPUT:
The pre image of
as instance of the element class of the group algebra of theCubicBraidGroup
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ele = CHA3.an_element(); ele (-w)*c0*c1^-1 + v*c0 + u*c1 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: cb_ele = ele.cubic_braid_group_algebra_pre_image(); cb_ele (-w)*c0*c1^-1 + v*c0 + u*c1 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: ele in CHA3 True sage: cb_ele in CHA3 False sage: cb_ele in CHA3.cubic_braid_group_algebra() True
- formal_markov_trace(extended=False, field_embedding=False)#
Return a formal expression which can be specialized to Markov traces which factor through the cubic Hecke algebra.
This covers Markov traces corresponding to the
HOMFLY-PT polynomial,
Kauffman polynomial,
Links-Gould polynomial.
These expressions are elements of a sub-module of the module of linear forms on
the base ring of which is an extension of the generic base ring ofself
by an additional variables
representing the writhe factor. All variables of this base ring extension are invertible.A Markov trace is a family of class functions \(tr_n\) on the family of braid groups \(B_n\) into some commutative ring \(R\) depending on a unit \(s \in R\) such that for all \(b \in B_n\) the following two conditions are satisfied (see [Kau1991], section 7):
\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lll} tr_{n+1}(b g_n) & = & s tr_n(b), \\ tr_{n+1}(b g^{-1}_n) & = & s^{-1} tr_n(b). \end{array}\end{split}\]The unit \(s\) is often called the writhe factor and corresponds to the additional variable mentioned above.
Currently it is not known if all linear forms of this sub-module belong to a Markov trace, i.e. can be extended to the full tower of cubic Hecke algebras. Anyway, at least the four basis elements (
) can be reconstructed form the HOMFLY-PT and Kauffman polynomial.INPUT:
– boolean (default:False
); if set toTrue
the base ring of the Markov trace module is constructed as an extension of generic extension ring ofself
; per default it is constructed upon the generic base ringfield_embedding
– boolean (default:False
); if set toTrue
the base ring of the module is the smallest field containing the generic extension ring ofself
; ignored ifextended=False
sage: from sage.knots.knotinfo import KnotInfo sage: CHA2 = algebras.CubicHecke(2) sage: K3_1 = KnotInfo.K3_1 sage: b3_1 = CHA2(K3_1.braid()) sage: mt3_1 = b3_1.formal_markov_trace(); mt3_1 ((u^2*s^2-v*s^2+u*w)/s)*B[U1] + (-u*v+w)*B[U2] sage: mt3_1.parent() Free module generated by {U1, U2} over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in u, v, w, s over Integer Ring localized at (s, w, v, u) sage: f = b3_1.formal_markov_trace(extended=True); f (a^2*b*c*s^-1+a*b^2*c*s^-1+a*b*c^2*s^-1+a^2*s+a*b*s+b^2*s+a*c*s+b*c*s+c^2*s)*B[U1] + (-a^2*b-a*b^2-a^2*c+(-2)*a*b*c-b^2*c-a*c^2-b*c^2)*B[U2] sage: f.parent().base_ring() Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in a, b, c, s over Splitting Algebra of x^2 + x + 1 with roots [e3, -e3 - 1] over Integer Ring sage: f = b3_1.formal_markov_trace(extended=True, field_embedding=True); f ((a^2*b*c+a*b^2*c+a*b*c^2+a^2*s^2+a*b*s^2+b^2*s^2+a*c*s^2+b*c*s^2+c^2*s^2)/s)*B[U1] + (-a^2*b-a*b^2-a^2*c-2*a*b*c-b^2*c-a*c^2-b*c^2)*B[U2] sage: f.parent().base_ring() Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in a, b, c, s over Cyclotomic Field of order 3 and degree 2
Obtaining the well known link invariants from it:
sage: MT = mt3_1.base_ring() sage: sup = sage: u, v, w, s = mt3_1.base_ring().gens() sage: LK3_1 = mt3_1*s**-3 # since the writhe of K3_1 is 3 sage: f = MT.specialize_homfly() sage: g = sum(f(LK3_1.coefficient(b)) * b.regular_homfly_polynomial() for b in sup); g L^-2*M^2 - 2*L^-2 - L^-4 sage: g == True sage: f = MT.specialize_kauffman() sage: g = sum(f(LK3_1.coefficient(b)) * b.regular_kauffman_polynomial() for b in sup); g a^-2*z^2 - 2*a^-2 + a^-3*z + a^-4*z^2 - a^-4 + a^-5*z sage: g == K3_1.kauffman_polynomial() True sage: f = MT.specialize_links_gould() sage: g = sum(f(LK3_1.coefficient(b)) * b.links_gould_polynomial() for b in sup); g -t0^2*t1 - t0*t1^2 + t0^2 + 2*t0*t1 + t1^2 - t0 - t1 + 1 sage: g == True
- matrix(subdivide=False, representation_type=None, original=False)#
Return certain types of matrix representations of
.The absolutely irreducible representations of the cubic Hecke algebra are constructed using the
interface and theCHEVIE
package ifGAP3
are installed on the system. Furthermore, the representations given on Ivan Marin’s homepage are used:INPUT:
– boolean (default:False
): this boolean is passed to the block_matrix functionrepresentation_type
– instance of enumRepresentationType
; this can be obtained by the attributeCubicHeckeAlgebra.repr_type
; the following values are possible:RegularLeft
– (regular left repr. from the above URL)RegularRight
– (regular right repr. from the above URL)SplitIrredChevie
– (split irred. repr. via CHEVIE)SplitIrredMarin
– (split irred. repr. from the above URL)default:
taken if GAP3 and CHEVIE are installed on the system, otherwise the default will beSplitIrredMarin
– boolean (default:False
): if set to true the base ring of the matrix will be the generic base_ring resp. generic extension ring (for the split versions) of the parent ofself
An instance of
, which is inherited fromMatrix_generic_dense
. In the case of the irreducible representations the matrix is given as a block matrix. Each single irreducible can be obtained as item indexed by the members of the enumAbsIrreducibeRep
available viaCubicHeckeAlgebra.irred_repr
. For details type:CubicHeckeAlgebra.irred_repr?
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: CHA3.inject_variables() Defining c0, c1 sage: c0m = c0.matrix() sage: c0m[CHA3.irred_repr.W3_111] [ -b - a + u 0 0] [(-2*a + u)*b - 2*a^2 + 2*u*a - v b 0] [ b 1 a]
using the the
option:sage: CHA3.<c0, c1> = algebras.CubicHecke(3) # optional gap3 sage: chevie = CHA3.repr_type.SplitIrredChevie # optional gap3 sage: c0m_ch = c0.matrix(representation_type=chevie) # optional gap3 sage: c0m_ch[CHA3.irred_repr.W3_011] # optional gap3 [ b 0] [ -b -b - a + u] sage: c0m[CHA3.irred_repr.W3_011] [ b 0] [a^2 - u*a + v -b - a + u]
using the the
option:sage: c0mo = c0.matrix(original=True) sage: c0mo_ch = c0.matrix(representation_type=chevie, original=True) # optional gap3 sage: c0mo[CHA3.irred_repr.W3_011] [ b 0] [b*c c] sage: c0mo_ch[CHA3.irred_repr.W3_011] # optional gap3 [ b 0] [-b c]
specialized matrices:
sage: t = (3,7,11) sage: CHA4 = algebras.CubicHecke(4, cubic_equation_roots=t) # optional database_cubic_hecke sage: e = CHA4.an_element(); e # optional database_cubic_hecke -231*c0*c1^-1 + 131*c0*c2^-1 + 21*c2*c1 - 1440/11 sage: em = e.matrix() # optional database_cubic_hecke sage: em.base_ring() # optional database_cubic_hecke Splitting Algebra of T^2 + T + 1 with roots [E3, -E3 - 1] over Integer Ring localized at (3, 7, 11) sage: em.dimensions() # optional database_cubic_hecke (108, 108) sage: em_irr24 = em[23] # optional database_cubic_hecke sage: em_irr24.dimensions() # optional database_cubic_hecke (9, 9) sage: em_irr24[3,2] # optional database_cubic_hecke -131*E3 - 393/7 sage: emg = e.matrix(representation_type=chevie) # optional gap3 database_cubic_hecke sage: emg_irr24 = emg[23] # optional gap3 database_cubic_hecke sage: emg_irr24[3,2] # optional gap3 database_cubic_hecke -131*E3 - 393/7
- max_len()#
Return the maximum of the length of Tietze expressions among the support of
sage: CHA3 = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: ele = CHA3.an_element(); ele (-w)*c0*c1^-1 + v*c0 + u*c1 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: ele.max_len() 2
- revert_garside()#
Return the image of
under the Garside involution.EXAMPLES:
sage: roots = (E(3), ~E(3), 1) sage: CHA3.<c1, c2> = algebras.CubicHecke(3, cubic_equation_roots=roots) sage: e = CHA3.an_element(); e -c1*c2^-1 sage: _.revert_garside() -c2*c1^-1 sage: _.revert_garside() -c1*c2^-1
- revert_mirror()#
Return the image of
under the mirror isomorphism.EXAMPLES:
sage: CHA3.<c1, c2> = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: e = CHA3.an_element() sage: e.revert_mirror() -1/w*c0^-1*c1 + u/w*c0^-1 + v/w*c1^-1 + ((v*w-u)/w) sage: _.revert_mirror() == e True
- revert_orientation()#
Return the image of
under the anti involution reverting the orientation of braids.EXAMPLES:
sage: CHA3.<c1, c2> = algebras.CubicHecke(3) sage: e = CHA3.an_element() sage: e.revert_orientation() (-w)*c2^-1*c1 + v*c1 + u*c2 + ((-v*w+u)/w) sage: _.revert_orientation() == e True