C-Finite Sequences#
C-finite infinite sequences satisfy homogeneous linear recurrences with constant coefficients:
CFiniteSequences are completely defined by their ordinary generating function (o.g.f., which
is always a fraction
over \(\ZZ\) or \(\QQ\) ).
sage: fibo = CFiniteSequence(x/(1-x-x^2)) # the Fibonacci sequence
sage: fibo
C-finite sequence, generated by -x/(x^2 + x - 1)
sage: fibo.parent()
The ring of C-Finite sequences in x over Rational Field
sage: fibo.parent().category()
Category of commutative rings
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ)
sage: fibo.parent() == C
sage: C
The ring of C-Finite sequences in x over Rational Field
sage: C(x/(1-x-x^2))
C-finite sequence, generated by -x/(x^2 + x - 1)
sage: C(x/(1-x-x^2)) == fibo
sage: var('y')
sage: CFiniteSequence(y/(1-y-y^2))
C-finite sequence, generated by -y/(y^2 + y - 1)
sage: CFiniteSequence(y/(1-y-y^2)) == fibo
Finite subsets of the sequence are accessible via python slices:
sage: fibo[137] #the 137th term of the Fibonacci sequence
sage: fibo[137] == fibonacci(137)
sage: fibo[0:12]
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
sage: fibo[14:4:-2]
[377, 144, 55, 21, 8]
They can be created also from the coefficients and start values of a recurrence:
sage: r = C.from_recurrence([1,1],[0,1])
sage: r == fibo
Given enough values, the o.g.f. of a C-finite sequence can be guessed:
sage: r = C.guess([0,1,1,2,3,5,8])
sage: r == fibo
See also
Ralf Stephan (2014): initial version
- class sage.rings.cfinite_sequence.CFiniteSequence(parent, ogf)#
Create a C-finite sequence given its ordinary generating function.
– a rational function, the ordinary generating function (can be an element from the symbolic ring, fraction field or polynomial ring)
A CFiniteSequence object
sage: CFiniteSequence((2-x)/(1-x-x^2)) # the Lucas sequence C-finite sequence, generated by (x - 2)/(x^2 + x - 1) sage: CFiniteSequence(x/(1-x)^3) # triangular numbers C-finite sequence, generated by -x/(x^3 - 3*x^2 + 3*x - 1)
Polynomials are interpreted as finite sequences, or recurrences of degree 0:
sage: CFiniteSequence(x^2-4*x^5) Finite sequence [1, 0, 0, -4], offset = 2 sage: CFiniteSequence(1) Finite sequence [1], offset = 0
This implementation allows any polynomial fraction as o.g.f. by interpreting any power of \(x\) dividing the o.g.f. numerator or denominator as a right or left shift of the sequence offset:
sage: CFiniteSequence(x^2+3/x) Finite sequence [3, 0, 0, 1], offset = -1 sage: CFiniteSequence(1/x+4/x^3) Finite sequence [4, 0, 1], offset = -3 sage: P = LaurentPolynomialRing(QQ.fraction_field(), 'X') sage: X=P.gen() sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-X)) C-finite sequence, generated by -1/(X - 1)
The o.g.f. is always normalized to get a denominator constant coefficient of \(+1\):
sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(x-2)) C-finite sequence, generated by 1/(x - 2)
The given
is used to create an appropriate parent: it can be a symbolic expression, a polynomial , or a fraction field element as long as it can be coerced into a proper fraction field over the rationals:sage: var('x') x sage: f1 = CFiniteSequence((2-x)/(1-x-x^2)) sage: P.<x> = QQ[] sage: f2 = CFiniteSequence((2-x)/(1-x-x^2)) sage: f1 == f2 True sage: f1.parent() The ring of C-Finite sequences in x over Rational Field sage: f1.ogf().parent() Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field sage: CFiniteSequence(log(x)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: unable to convert log(x) to a rational
- closed_form(n='n')#
Return a symbolic expression in
, which equals the n-th term of the sequence.It is a well-known property of C-finite sequences
that they have a closed form of the type:\[a_n = \sum_{i=1}^d c_i(n) \cdot r_i^n,\]where
are the roots of the characteristic equation andc_i(n)
is a polynomial (whose degree equals the multiplicity ofr_i
minus one). This is a natural generalization of Binet’s formula for Fibonacci numbers. See, for instance, [KP2011, Theorem 4.1].Note that if the o.g.f. has a polynomial part, that is, if the numerator degree is not strictly less than the denominator degree, then this closed form holds only when
exceeds the degree of that polynomial part. In that case, the returned expression will differ from the sequence for smalln
sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x)).closed_form() 1 sage: CFiniteSequence(x^2/(1-x)).closed_form() 1 sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x^2)).closed_form() 1/2*(-1)^n + 1/2 sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1+x^3)).closed_form() 1/3*(-1)^n + 1/3*(1/2*I*sqrt(3) + 1/2)^n + 1/3*(-1/2*I*sqrt(3) + 1/2)^n sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x)/(1-2*x)/(1-3*x)).closed_form() 9/2*3^n - 4*2^n + 1/2
Binet’s formula for the Fibonacci numbers:
sage: CFiniteSequence(x/(1-x-x^2)).closed_form() sqrt(1/5)*(1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n - sqrt(1/5)*(-1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n sage: [_.subs(n=k).full_simplify() for k in range(6)] [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5] sage: CFiniteSequence((4*x+3)/(1-2*x-5*x^2)).closed_form() 1/2*(sqrt(6) + 1)^n*(7*sqrt(1/6) + 3) - 1/2*(-sqrt(6) + 1)^n*(7*sqrt(1/6) - 3)
Examples with multiple roots:
sage: CFiniteSequence(x*(x^2+4*x+1)/(1-x)^5).closed_form() 1/4*n^4 + 1/2*n^3 + 1/4*n^2 sage: CFiniteSequence((1+2*x-x^2)/(1-x)^4/(1+x)^2).closed_form() 1/12*n^3 - 1/8*(-1)^n*(n + 1) + 3/4*n^2 + 43/24*n + 9/8 sage: CFiniteSequence(1/(1-x)^3/(1-2*x)^4).closed_form() 4/3*(n^3 - 3*n^2 + 20*n - 36)*2^n + 1/2*n^2 + 19/2*n + 49 sage: CFiniteSequence((x/(1-x-x^2))^2).closed_form() 1/5*(n - sqrt(1/5))*(1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n + 1/5*(n + sqrt(1/5))*(-1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2)^n
- coefficients()#
Return the coefficients of the recurrence representation of the C-finite sequence.
A list of values
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: lucas = C((2-x)/(1-x-x^2)) # the Lucas sequence sage: lucas.coefficients() [1, 1]
- denominator()#
Return the numerator of the o.g.f of
sage: f = CFiniteSequence((2-x)/(1-x-x^2)); f C-finite sequence, generated by (x - 2)/(x^2 + x - 1) sage: f.denominator() x^2 + x - 1
- numerator()#
Return the numerator of the o.g.f of
sage: f = CFiniteSequence((2-x)/(1-x-x^2)); f C-finite sequence, generated by (x - 2)/(x^2 + x - 1) sage: f.numerator() x - 2
- ogf()#
Return the ordinary generating function associated with the CFiniteSequence.
This is always a fraction of polynomials in the base ring.
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: r = C.from_recurrence([2],[1]) sage: r.ogf() -1/2/(x - 1/2) sage: C(0).ogf() 0
- recurrence_repr()#
Return a string with the recurrence representation of the C-finite sequence.
A string
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C((2-x)/(1-x-x^2)).recurrence_repr() 'homogeneous linear recurrence with constant coefficients of degree 2: a(n+2) = a(n+1) + a(n), starting a(0...) = [2, 1]' sage: C(x/(1-x)^3).recurrence_repr() 'homogeneous linear recurrence with constant coefficients of degree 3: a(n+3) = 3*a(n+2) - 3*a(n+1) + a(n), starting a(1...) = [1, 3, 6]' sage: C(1).recurrence_repr() 'Finite sequence [1], offset 0' sage: r = C((-2*x^3 + x^2 - x + 1)/(2*x^2 - 3*x + 1)) sage: r.recurrence_repr() 'homogeneous linear recurrence with constant coefficients of degree 2: a(n+2) = 3*a(n+1) - 2*a(n), starting a(0...) = [1, 2, 5, 9]' sage: r = CFiniteSequence(x^3/(1-x-x^2)) sage: r.recurrence_repr() 'homogeneous linear recurrence with constant coefficients of degree 2: a(n+2) = a(n+1) + a(n), starting a(3...) = [1, 1, 2, 3]'
- series(n)#
Return the Laurent power series associated with the CFiniteSequence, with precision \(n\).
\(n\) – a nonnegative integer
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: r = C.from_recurrence([-1,2],[0,1]) sage: s = r.series(4); s x + 2*x^2 + 3*x^3 + 4*x^4 + O(x^5) sage: type(s) <class 'sage.rings.laurent_series_ring_element.LaurentSeries'>
- sage.rings.cfinite_sequence.CFiniteSequences(base_ring, names=None, category=None)#
Return the ring of C-Finite sequences.
The ring is defined over a base ring (\(\ZZ\) or \(\QQ\) ) and each element is represented by its ordinary generating function (ogf) which is a rational function over the base ring.
– the base ring to construct the fraction field representing the C-Finite sequencesnames
– (optional) the list of variables.
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C The ring of C-Finite sequences in x over Rational Field sage: C.an_element() C-finite sequence, generated by (x - 2)/(x^2 + x - 1) sage: C.category() Category of commutative rings sage: C.one() Finite sequence [1], offset = 0 sage: C.zero() Constant infinite sequence 0. sage: C(x) Finite sequence [1], offset = 1 sage: C(1/x) Finite sequence [1], offset = -1 sage: C((-x + 2)/(-x^2 - x + 1)) C-finite sequence, generated by (x - 2)/(x^2 + x - 1)
- class sage.rings.cfinite_sequence.CFiniteSequences_generic(polynomial_ring, category)#
The class representing the ring of C-Finite Sequences
- Element#
alias of
- an_element()#
Return an element of C-Finite Sequences.
The Lucas sequence.
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C.an_element() C-finite sequence, generated by (x - 2)/(x^2 + x - 1)
- fraction_field()#
Return the fraction field used to represent the elements of
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C.fraction_field() Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
- from_recurrence(coefficients, values)#
Create a C-finite sequence given the coefficients \(c\) and starting values \(a\) of a homogeneous linear recurrence.
\[a_{n+d} = c_0a_n + c_1a_{n+1} + \cdots + c_{d-1}a_{n+d-1}, \quad d\ge0.\]INPUT:
– a list of rationalsvalues
– start values, a list of rationals
A CFiniteSequence object
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C.from_recurrence([1,1],[0,1]) # Fibonacci numbers C-finite sequence, generated by -x/(x^2 + x - 1) sage: C.from_recurrence([-1,2],[0,1]) # natural numbers C-finite sequence, generated by x/(x^2 - 2*x + 1) sage: r = C.from_recurrence([-1],[1]) sage: s = C.from_recurrence([-1],[1,-1]) sage: r == s True sage: r = C(x^3/(1-x-x^2)) sage: s = C.from_recurrence([1,1],[0,0,0,1,1]) sage: r == s True sage: C.from_recurrence(1,1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Wrong type for recurrence coefficient list.
- gen(i=0)#
Return the i-th generator of
– an integer (default:0)
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C.gen() x sage: x == C.gen() True
- guess(sequence, algorithm='sage')#
Return the minimal CFiniteSequence that generates the sequence.
Assume the first value has index 0.
– list of integersalgorithm
– string‘sage’ - the default is to use Sage’s matrix kernel function
‘pari’ - use Pari’s implementation of LLL
‘bm’ - use Sage’s Berlekamp-Massey algorithm
a CFiniteSequence, or 0 if none could be found
With the default kernel method, trailing zeroes are chopped off before a guessing attempt. This may reduce the data below the accepted length of six values.
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C.guess([1,2,4,8,16,32]) C-finite sequence, generated by -1/2/(x - 1/2) sage: r = C.guess([1,2,3,4,5]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Sequence too short for guessing.
With Berlekamp-Massey, if an odd number of values is given, the last one is dropped. So with an odd number of values the result may not generate the last value:
sage: r = C.guess([1,2,4,8,9], algorithm='bm'); r C-finite sequence, generated by -1/2/(x - 1/2) sage: r[0:5] [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
- ngens()#
Return the number of generators of
sage: from sage.rings.cfinite_sequence import CFiniteSequences sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C.ngens() 1
- polynomial_ring()#
Return the polynomial ring used to represent the elements of
sage: C.<x> = CFiniteSequences(QQ) sage: C.polynomial_ring() Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field