Lattice Euclidean Group Elements#
The classes here are used to return particular isomorphisms of
PPL lattice
- class sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element.LatticeEuclideanGroupElement(A, b)#
An element of the lattice Euclidean group.
Note that this is just intended as a container for results from LatticePolytope_PPL. There is no group-theoretic functionality to speak of.
sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.ppl_lattice_polytope import LatticePolytope_PPL, C_Polyhedron sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element import LatticeEuclideanGroupElement sage: M = LatticeEuclideanGroupElement([[1,2],[2,3],[-1,2]], [1,2,3]) sage: M The map A*x+b with A= [ 1 2] [ 2 3] [-1 2] b = (1, 2, 3) sage: M._A [ 1 2] [ 2 3] [-1 2] sage: M._b (1, 2, 3) sage: M(vector([0,0])) (1, 2, 3) sage: M(LatticePolytope_PPL((0,0),(1,0),(0,1))) A 2-dimensional lattice polytope in ZZ^3 with 3 vertices sage: _.vertices() ((1, 2, 3), (2, 4, 2), (3, 5, 5))
- codomain_dim()#
Return the dimension of the codomain lattice
sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element import LatticeEuclideanGroupElement sage: M = LatticeEuclideanGroupElement([[1,2],[2,3],[-1,2]], [1,2,3]) sage: M The map A*x+b with A= [ 1 2] [ 2 3] [-1 2] b = (1, 2, 3) sage: M.codomain_dim() 3
Note that this is not the same as the rank. In fact, the codomain dimension depends only on the matrix shape, and not on the rank of the linear mapping:
sage: zero_map = LatticeEuclideanGroupElement([[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]], [0,0,0]) sage: zero_map.codomain_dim() 3
- domain_dim()#
Return the dimension of the domain lattice
sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element import LatticeEuclideanGroupElement sage: M = LatticeEuclideanGroupElement([[1,2],[2,3],[-1,2]], [1,2,3]) sage: M The map A*x+b with A= [ 1 2] [ 2 3] [-1 2] b = (1, 2, 3) sage: M.domain_dim() 2
- exception sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element.LatticePolytopeError#
Base class for errors from lattice polytopes
- exception sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element.LatticePolytopeNoEmbeddingError#
Raised when no embedding of the desired kind can be found.
- exception sage.geometry.polyhedron.lattice_euclidean_group_element.LatticePolytopesNotIsomorphicError#
Raised when two lattice polytopes are not isomorphic.